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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/24/24

Disgusting Gateway Elders Threaten Sheep as They Kick Her Out At Gunpoint

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The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people. But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned. - Titus 3:8-11 (ESV)

The arrogance of the purpose driven apostate church system knows no bounds. Since the Bicklegate scandal broke, I have called for the complete dissolution of IHOPKC, as the entire foundation was unbiblical, based on lies and false prophecies, and ruined so many lives. There was nothing redeemable at IHOPKC. The poor people who had been sitting under this shroud of cultish false teaching needed to be given referrals to real churches that preach the actual gospel, so that they might be saved. Instead, there are these constant rumors out of Kansas City that they are trying to salvage the 24-7 false prayer model and rebrand the satanic church. The same exact points can be made about Gateway Church in Texas. This church was always another cult of personality mega pastor church, headed up by uber tithing abuser, Robert Morris. He had built his empire by fleecing the flock with threatening and unbiblical teachings on giving. The "God will curse all of your money unless you give me the first ten percent as tribute" teaching originated with Morris. He leveraged this into a 100-million-dollar fortune, that he gets to "retire" on. The retirement was forced because it came out that he had sexually abused a 12-year-old for four years when he was an up-and-coming married pastor. He built his kingdom on the bones and spirit of this 12-year-old girl and lied about it for forty years. In an autobiographical book he referenced stepping down from ministry at this time but left out the "why." Even when first caught, he tried to lie to his elders that he had an inappropriate relationship with a "young lady." No, you broke the law and molested a little girl, while cosplaying as a pastor. Now, with Morris slinking off into the bowels of apostate church history, you would think that whatever powers that be were left at Gateway would operate with a sliver of humility. Well, you would be wrong. It appears that Gateway has used bullying, membership cancelation, church expulsion and even used local law enforcement against a member who had the temerity to speak out against the abuse and cover up. We will go through the above link, which contains excellent reporting from the Roys Report. So, let us reason once more together beloved.

"When Valentina Hansen walked up to the glass doors of Gateway Church near Fort Worth on the evening of Sept. 7, they were waiting for her. She was there to hear Gospel artist CeCe Winans speak. But the men, with guns holstered to their hips, wearing dark navy pants and shirts, with the letters SECURITY emblazoned in silver on their backs, barred the way. "Have you seen the email that the elders sent to you?" a security guard said on Hansen's video of the encounter. "Yeah, but it didn't say I can't attend church," Hansen replied. Eddie Miles, Gateway's campus operations director, approached her to say, "We're going to ask you not to come in." Hansen said she shook Miles' hand, then asked him to pass a message to church elder Tra Willbanks and Pastor Lorena Valle to send her a letter clarifying whether she can still attend church at Gateway. She said Miles told her he would pass on the message, but she never received a response. Then Hansen spotted a police car from Southlake, the suburb where the 25,805-member Texas church is located. She wondered if the church has some method of tracking her movements with her cell phone. She videotaped herself approaching the police officer in the car, her recording catching a shadow of her slim figure in a dress, her long hair blowing in the breeze. "Did they really call y'all about little old me?" Hansen asked the cop. "Notably, the #Southlake Police Department was present, having been contacted by Gateway Church in anticipation of an escalation," she later wrote on Facebook. "I regret that their time was diverted from potentially more critical situations.-- - Roys Report

You just have to love the image of church security guards needing weapons. Even more so, to use them to intimidate a woman, who was just trying to attend her church. That is right. It is HER church, not the fake, stand-in pastors. Read the biblical qualifications for ministry and pastorships. Humility is at the top of the list - not lording themselves over the sheep. We're going to ask you to not come in? Who the hell do you think you are Eddie? Then on top of this, the church arranged for the police to be there? What did they think this woman was going to do? Valentina Hansen did not molest little girls. That was Robert Morris. Valentina Hansen did not try and cover it up - that would be Tra Willbanks and the so-called elders of Gateway. This is just anathema beloved. If you still attend Gateway after this you are one step away from Jonestown. Hansen did find the email in her spam folder revoking her membership and directing her that she could no longer enter any of the church properties, under penalty of violating Penal Code 30.05! Did you get that? A church that claims to follow Jesus Christ threatened one of their sheep with criminal prosecution and called the police in case the woman "escalated" the situation. How utterly disgusting and revolting. To make matters worse, they invoked Titus 3:10 as their fake biblical justification, claiming Hansen had continued to "sow discord and conflict." We will come back to this absurd usage of Titus later.

'Hansen tells The Roys Report (TRR) the Texas megachurch is retaliating against her for a series of social media posts calling for accountability at the church. Not only was she booted from church membership for "continuing to sow discord," but she was also barred from the building after she publicly called for an investigation into the church's finances and mandatory reporting practices on child sexual abuse. The breaking point may have been a Sept. 4 post on Hansen's Facebook page where she announced that an investigative reporter from an unnamed publication wanted information on current and former staff. She invited members to secretly contact her. She told TRR that in the last 90 days, her posts have reached 450,000 people. "The Bible is very clear about what the biblical requirements are for deacons, pastors, and elders, and if they're not above approach, we as Christians and members of the bride of Christ. . . we're called to advocate for her honor," Hansen said. "There were many times I felt like I'm one person advocating for so many people that don't feel that they're strong enough to do this."' - Roys Report

It sure seems like the text book definition of retaliation. Hansen appears to be a very prolific poster on Facebook. I have seen the September 4th post, as she has not tried to hide it. One can argue that perhaps she should have discussed with leadership first but it sure does not sound like gateway leadership deserves any such preferential treatment. They certainly have not earned it. The larger point of course, is what exactly are you trying to hide? Why such an overreaction to a reporter investigating church finances and governance? Hansen is 100% correct that elders are not above reproach. This sure smells like they did not want someone poking around in the business of Gateway. Ms. Hansen properly called for an investigation into finances and mandatory reporting practices and instead of being transparent, they pulled one verse out of context to steal her membership, prohibit her from entering the church and threatening her with criminal prosecution. We remember when Paul did this in the Cortinthi"oh wait, that's right he never did anything so ridiculous.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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