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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/21/24

Charisma Supports Latest October Lie - No, Harris Did Not Openly Mock Christians

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The term October Surprise has a political definition that refers to an event that comes out close to an election, possibly with the intent of affecting the outcome. In 2016 it was the Access Hollywood tape of Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by their genitalia, for example. I remember in 2000 it was the revelation that George W. Bush had once had a DUI. How far we have devolved as a society. In Christian circles, our version should be called the October Lies. As the election rapidly approaches, the political demonic powers that control the Republican Party in this country step up their game to try and gin up as much outrage as possible from the church in the hopes that they run to the polls in favor of their chosen political messiah. I say lies, plural, because they barrage us with story after story by their grievance merchants to seemingly no end. A month ago, it was the lie that Haitian immigrants were eating pets in Springfield Ohio. Recently it was that the government is only giving hurricane victims $750 while spending $10,000 per illegal immigrant or how "they" created the hurricanes and sent them to the damaged areas. Gullible Christians, who care more about confirming their bias than the truth, were all too eager to ruin their witness for Christ and repost/retweet lie after lie after lie. I remember having a discussion online with a sister who intends well, and she thought because she had looked up YouTube videos of random people claiming the Haitian lies, that she had done her due diligence with "research." I remember talking to a good brother about the weather lies and at the end he simply said some people will "agree to disagree."

These two concepts are what is slaughtering the truth in this country and Christian circles. The fact that we can find a person here or there to swear a story is true, does not make it true. In Ohio, the Republican Mayor, Republican Governor and all police officials have stated unequivocally that the story is bogus. Yet, people like JD Vance insist that because random people call his office, he thinks that gives him the right to be willfully deceptive. The sad thing is no one cares from the Christian community the damage we are doing to our Haitian neighbors, many of which are Christian. The agree to disagree angle is used to normalize blatant lies. Just because you think the sky is magenta and I think it is blue does not mean we just have a difference of opinion. That is a difference of fact. One position is right and the other is wrong - period, full stop. Just because you can find a random YouTube video the discusses cloud seeding or 1970 experiments with trying to create lightning strikes using lasers, does not mean man has figured out how to create a hurricane, which has the power of a ten-megaton nuclear bomb, every twenty seconds. We are not agreeing to disagree. You are insisting to disagree with reality. So, this week's national outrage for the church comes from Wisconsin, where it is being reported by Republican operatives everywhere, that Kamala Harris openly mocked Jesus at a rally. Of course, she didn't. Of course, we apparently do not care that video shows she didn't. Apparently, we do not care that the lost sees us as bat-poop crazy liars. Witness for Christ? Nah, that's for suckers. It was only a matter of time before Steven Strang started promoting these lies on his rag, Charisma News and sure enough, it came out today and is linked above. Let us reason once more through this short article.

"At a rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Vice President Kamala Harris and her supporters openly mocked a Christian attendee who interrupted her speech by proclaiming, "Jesus is Lord." Harris, who skipped a major Christian event in New York to attend the rally, was promoting her pro-abortion stance when the interruption occurred. Her response, "I think you're at the wrong rally," was followed by laughter and cheers from the crowd, with Harris adding, "Try the smaller one down the street." This incident, described as a "disgusting display" by critics, highlights the growing divide between the Democratic Party and Christian values. On "FOX and Friends Weekend," the two University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students involved in the protest shared their experience, recounting how they were heckled, pushed and eventually removed from the event." - Charisma News

Go watch the video. It is clear that someone shouted out "lies" when Harris was speaking about how Donald Trump appointed three justices that overturned Roe versus Wade, which by the way is not a lie. THAT is what Harris responds to by making a joke that they must have been at the wrong rally. Right after that joke, is when you can hear someone shouting Jesus is Lord, so the notion that the joke was in response to it is a LIE. Note how this is being framed as a difference between Christians and the Democratic Party. THAT is the end game here. That is what they are after. I cannot attest to how these two Ohio Christian students were treated by the crowd, not the Vice President, but when you come to a political rally for the express purpose of trying to disrupt it, what exactly did you expect? It also seems that this reaction was about a political disagreement, not a religious one. Why let a little thing like the truth get in the way of a talking point, however.

'One of the students, Luke Polaske, said, "I held [a cross] up in the air and waved at her, and she looked [me] directly in the eye, gave me an evil smirk." Grant Beth, the other protester, emphasized the importance of the moment for young voters, warning, "This is what you are going to get with a Kamala Harris presidency." He argued that Harris's actions reflect a broader disregard for Christian values, saying, "Jesus was mocked, His disciples were mocked and that's OK. In reality, we did God's work."' - Charisma News

No Grant. You did not do God's work. I feel badly that you have been taught so poorly that you think God wants you to go to a political rally, start a fight, lie about it, and then whine that you were the victim. This is how the NAR dominionist heresies are damaging the youth in the apostate church today. To openly compare yourself to Jesus, who was mocked when He was being crucified, is so disgusting and borderline blasphemous. So, in a raucous crowd of thousands, Mr. Polaske thinks that the Vice President looked him directly in the eye and gave him an evil smirk. Please. This self-righteous, grandiose ego is typical of churched folks in this country who have been taught everything is about them. So, two privileged Ohio college students thought it would be God's work to go to a political event to disrupt it, and then when things went a little sideways for them with the crowd, they ran to Fox News to pretend that Harris was disparaging them personally because of their faith. How absurdly ridiculous and self-serving.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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