"The more I have studied the New Apostolic Reformation during the past few years, the more convinced I have become that we have a major transformation of Christianity on our hands. Don Miller titles his excellent new book on the subject Reinventing American Protestantism (University of California Press). By extension, I believe we are witnessing a reinvesting of world Christianity. If that is the case, it is all the more reason to give God thanks for allowing us to be alive and active in His kingdom in these enthralling days." -- C. Peter Wagner
Wagner was right. There was a major transformation of Christianity on their hands. armed with decades of seeker friendly research and the PDC, the NAR set out to transform the church and many would readily admit they have succeeded. At least in relation to the apostate church. Now there are millions of goats being taught to act like sheep and believe they are heaven bound if they just fill out a SHAPE application, tithe regularly, and discover their purpose in the parking lot ministry of their local mega church. The final telling part here however is when Wagner foresees a reinvesting of world Christianity. The only piece of the modern NAR that was missing from Wagner's vision in this article is dominionism. Perhaps that is what he was referencing here. There is no mistaking the fact that while the NAR church today encompasses many of the traits outlined here by Wagner there is one more to be addressed. Due to the heretical seven mountains mandate the NAR church is overly involved in the politics of this country. They do so because they love this world and the excess of sin it affords them. Just in case you think Wagner had no role in this, here is an excerpt from Wagner explaining a diagram (picture accompanying devotional) he considered to be the "big picture of the dominion mandate."
'"The central bar is "Social Transformation," which many are also calling "Reformation." This is our Dominion Mandate, seeing the kingdom of God actually being manifested here on earth as it is in heaven"The goal of Social Transformation rests on two indispensable pillars. One is "The Church in the Workplace," ["] and that is based on "The Government of the Church" " The other pillar is "The Great Transfer of Wealth," based on the principle of "Breaking the Spirit of Poverty," both of which I am coming to shortly. Notice, finally, that the only component of the diagram that has arrows indicating action is "Workplace Apostles." This reflects what I said a page or two ago that is only by activating apostles in the extended church that we will hope to see the necessary gates to reformation and wealth transfer effectively opened."' -- C. Peter Wagner
There you have the final plank in what today is the NAR. A constant push for reformation or revival. A disturbingly false understanding of United States history. An impending "wealth transfer" that so many false prophets continue to write about to this very day. Workplace apostles. I know this was a lot to digest but the insidious nature of the NAR needs to be properly understood. A church does not need to be all of these things to be NAR. I know many will be thinking now, what churches do not fit this mild to some degree and therein lies the truth and the frightening prospect. We will get to the one world religion through the expansion of the apostate church and that is occurring right now through the deliverance of the PDC by the NAR and for the Seeker Friendly Industrial Complex. Maybe your church only dabbles in the false signs and lying wonders. Maybe they are only into the abusive tithing paradigm or the false authority. Perhaps they are overly involved with the politics of this world. Maybe they are into several of the facets of the NAR. You must understand that their involvement in any of it opens them up to exposure to all of it. Some churches like Bethel embrace all of it. Others may only ascribe to a single tentacle. The remnant of true believers must be ready to come out from among her. C. Peter Wagner had a vision a long time ago of how the apostate church would grow and flourish and become the new norm for worldwide Christianity. I hope this has allowed you to see that his vision is indeed coming true with each passing day. This is why we are to do the work of a Berean and test everything. Consider the NAR like a sliding scale of apostasy. At one end you have churches that may only be mildly involved with one or more heretical practices and at the other you have churches like Bethel that are "all in." At the end of the day, Jesus taught that just a little leaven will eventually spread throughout the entire batch. When our churches dance with the devil always remember that he will insist on leading. When it comes to us, we can always say that we don't dance.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- October 28, 2019