"Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy"
"The Solution to Online "Harassment" Is Simple: Women Should Log Off"
Those are just the anti-women top hits. Before you go thinking that is just the website, Nolte tweeted this past week that there is virtually no racism in America. That is who the Christian leader is cozying up with. The issue was not that Trump wanted to celebrate America, it was that he hijacked the country, the holiday and the military to hold a campaign event. Military who would have been better appreciated being allowed to celebrate with their families instead of being made to dress up and march for their leader like we were some banana republic. You can be patriotic without abusing the military and worshiping the president.
"Interestingly, while taking a taxi from Manhattan to LaGuardia airport this past Tuesday, my driver, who came to the States from Pakistan in 1992, said to me, "No one who moves to America from another country goes back home." Obviously, this was not meant to be a scientifically accurate statement, but the overall sentiment is undeniably true. America is the land of opportunity, incredibly so. America is the "can-do" country, where anything seems possible. America is the desired destination of countless millions who would love to make our country their home. America is the land of freedom. (When I asked on the radio this week, "What are some of the greatest strengths and weaknesses of our country?", one of my staff members replied, "The fact that we can have this conversation openly is one of our greatest strengths.")" -- Dr. Michael Brown
Yes, that is our greatest strength but you apparently do not believe so Dr. Brown. You believe that anyone who disagrees with you is not acting like a true America and that is the problem. The president wants to be the only president since Nixon to speak on the 4th of July and some people think it is inappropriate. One group is not more "American" than the other. Teddy Roosevelt said it was treasonous to criticize those that would speak out against the president. The beauty of our system lies in our disagreements not in lock step servitude.
"Without a doubt, from a prophetic perspective, America has many serious needs and is guilty of many sins. Having written books referring to our sickly condition, I would be the last to dispute this assessment. And it is part of the duty of gospel ministers to call us to repentance and change. Count me in for that, on virtually a daily basis. But America is also an amazing country, a country with wonderful roots. And one would expect our political leaders to celebrate our heritage rather than denigrate it. Even political pragmatism would suggest that you would have a better chance of rallying voters by cultivating a healthy sense of national pride rather than a crippling sense of national shame. So, by all means, let's recognize our ongoing problems and address our very real shortcomings. But let's do so realizing that we really are privileged to live here in America, which was and is intended to be "the land of the free and the home of the brave." May our political leaders take heed." -- Dr. Michael Brown
Yes, but when your opening position is that one political party is righteous and the other evil you have long since left the confines of scripture, reality and sanity. People are not hesitant to celebrate our heritage Michael. They are leery to celebrate something you have made up. Our roots are not always wonderful and that is ok Dr. Brown. We do not have to lie and pretend that we were once under covenant with God when we never were. Pride in a fantasy is no better than shame in reality but at least your can learn from one of them. Take heed Dr. Brown. This article is just another in your recent run of NAR dominionist worship. I would point you back to the key verses Dr. Brown and remind you that you are but a pilgrim and a sojourner passing through this land. Start acting like it and stop worshiping the carnality of America.
Anthony Wade -- July 10, 20198