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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/8/19

With Apologies to the World -- Duck! Billy Graham's Mantle is About to Fall!

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"While evangelism seems to have taken a backseat among Millennial priorities, the leadership of The Send believes God will make it front and center through this powerful gathering. They hope this one day will instill this value as a primary goal for the church in America." -- Shawn Bolz

The ultimate goal of the enemy. To have the church so out of focus that no one is discipled anymore. That no one knows the word for themselves. That for their primary goal they would be seeking supernatural gifts and false prophetic words. This is not unheard of. What is past is prologue. The key verses today reveal that. These are part of the seven woes Jesus proclaimed to the Pharisees. The woes are essentially judgments -- things Jesus found them guilty of. I highlighted the one above for the purposes of this discussion. Woe to you oh Pharisses for you travel across the world to make a single proselyte and when he becomes one you have only made him twice the son of hell that you are! The Pharisees had the control of the religious system in their day and the NAR is rapidly assuming control in this country. Never forget that many in the movement are quite sincere. Not everyone is an outright charlatan like Johnson and White. The people who will stand before Jesus and say Lord Lord seem genuinely confused! Lord Lord, didn't we go to Todd White's school? Didn't we cast out demons in your name? Didn't we seek glory clouds and miraculous gold fillings in your name? Didn't we perform many miracles in your name? Jesus will respond:

And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' -- Matthew 7:23 (ESV)

What a sad day that will be for many beloved. People who were lied to. People who were duped.

The seeker-friendly industrial complex has built up their brand over many decades and now the great apostasy prophesied in the bible is well underway. Narrow is the road that leads to eternal life and few are those who find it. Test everything and hold onto the good. To my brethren across the globe, I am sorry but you are going to have discern as we all do or else it will be you standing before Christ saying Lord Lord. Do not believe gospels about yourself and this world. His kingdom is not of this world and you are but pilgrims and sojourners on earth. Be careful beloved because after TheCall and TheSend can only follow TheFall.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- February 8, 2019

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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