"The kingdom of God raises the banner of Jesus above all else. Nationalism raises the national flag above all else. During this acerbic political season, I have witnessed Christians fighting on social media, becoming irate and condescending towards those with a different political view. (Consequently, Christians are jeopardizing the eternity of unbelievers who may be the recipients of their political rants!) We are called to walk in the ideals set forth by Jesus in the "Sermon on the Mount" and aspire to represent His kingdom. We must be the "salt of the earth and light of the world" (see Matt. 5-7)." - Joseph Mattera
Condescending? Wait a minute. Didn't Mattera just say that this was all the fault of the radical left? How in the world are you behaving like salt and light when you insist on taking sides in carnal politics? The very nature of politics is to pit one against another. Do you think that rank hypocrisy of leaders in the church defending the immorality of the current president was lost on the unsaved? Just this week on Charisma have been articles defending the insurrection attempt last week that left five dead including one police officer. The problem for the dominionists like Mattera is while he may try to raise the banner of Jesus up high, he does so while wrapped in the American flag. That hypocrisy damages the witness for Christ and His Gospel. Mattera concludes:
"The kingdom of God promotes the interests of God above the world. Nationalism promotes the interests of the nation above the kingdom. In the Old Testament, we have seen many times that prophets like Jeremiah, Amos, Jonah, Isaiah, Elijah and more, declared words from the Lord that were not always good for Israel. They risked their lives because their first allegiance was to His kingdom rather than the nation of Israel. Jesus even corrected Peter because he was more interested in the things of men rather than the things of God (Mark 8:33). Consequently, we in the kingdom of God should have our essential allegiance to Christ and His gospel, even if it does not comport with our nation's rank and file and the policies they espouse." - Joseph Mattera
If the kingdom of God promotes the interests of God above the world and nationalism promotes the interests of the nation above the kingdom then you should know that you cannot play both sides. God is a jealous God. The very first commandment is having no other god before Him! Dominionism is the textbook definition of idolatry. It is so ingrained within the apostate church however that no one even blinks anymore about it. The truly sad thing is we know better. Matera clearly knows better but he just cannot see how far he has been blinded. You cannot serve two masters beloved. We are called to great kingdom matters. Leave the petty politics of this earth to those who insist on perishing with it and get back to preaching and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reverend Anthony Wade - January 12, 2021