"The fourth category consists of sinful behavior in the past that still carries over until today. If Kavanaugh did, in fact, sexually assault his accuser more than 35 years ago, does that reflect his attitude toward women ever since? Is he an abuser? Does he view women as sexual objects? Does he look on his alleged past transgressions as just a bunch of guys having fun? Obviously, there are major reasons to question the validity of the accusations, given today's political climate. On the flip side, Kavanaugh's accuser is herself a professor today, which adds credibility to her story. May the whole truth come to light. But let's also remember that President Obama joked with students at the University of Chicago this past January, saying, "If you had pictures of everything I'd done when I was in high school I probably wouldn't have been president of the United States." In the case at hand, the charges are more serious and more concerning, since they involved alleged sexual assault. But even if they were true, they do not automatically rule out present effective service today, even in the Supreme Court. It all depends on which category, outlined above, these past (alleged) transgressions fall into." -- Dr. Michael Brown
No Dr. Brown. It does not matter what box the alleged transgressions fall into because you made them up out of thin air to find two avenues of excuse for Kavanaugh. It is simply staggering to see an alleged Christian leader state that attempted rape, if true, would not necessarily disqualify someone from the Supreme Court. Talking out of both sides of his mouth, Brown questions the validity of the accusations and also compares the attempted rape to an off cuff joke made by our former president. No one in their right minds believes Obama was talking about sexual assault.
Beloved do not lose sight of that. We are not talking about boys will be boys. We are not talking about locker room banter or frat house hijinks. We are talking about sexual assault. I do not know if it is true anymore than you. The accuser is a PHD psychologist and college professor. She has anecdotal evidence stretching back at least five years. She has demanded the FBI investigate and the Kavanaugh camp has refused. She named one of Judge Kavanaugh's friends as a witness. I understand we want conservative values on the Supreme Court but at what cost? It is embarrassing as a believer to see what we have been willing to look the other way on. As ambassadors for Christ when do we say enough? There are plenty of other qualified judges that can be chosen. As of this morning there is another woman who has come forward to claim that in his freshman year at college, Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a party. Let's see how they assassinate her character.
And the NAR will gladly hold the gun for them. They see the finish line in sight and will not let a little thing like attempted rape get in the way. They have a mountain to conquer and their idolization of this country is far more important than the accusation of one woman; or two. Except, what if they are telling the truth beloved? Does that even matter to us anymore? Do we even care? Doesn't His majesty still terrify us?
Reverend Anthony Wade -- September 24, 2018