"When you pray, don't babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. - Matthew 6: 7 (NLT)
So the instructional premise is proven to be Biblically inaccurate. The context here would indicate that the Prayer of Jabez was answered because he was more honorable than his brothers. This is directly supported with in the local context of the key verses and is supported overall within the Bible as a whole. Throughout Scripture we find character after character who is blessed because of their obedience to God or cursed for their disobedience. So not only is the instructional premise not Biblically supported but the entire premise of blessing based upon the prayer is not Biblically supported either.
The underlying assumptions are also probably wrong. Just because Jabez prays for blessings that does not mean he was praying for material blessings. This appears to be a very spiritual man who was making a spiritual plea. Modern Christianity has warped the notion of blessings into the riches of this world when God wants to give us eternal blessings:
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. - Ephesians 1: 3 (NIV)
Spiritual blessings beloved. That God would draw us closer to Him. Take us to a deeper level with Him. That we would be tested by fire and proven worthy. Ironically, Wilkinson may have had people praying a prosperity prayer based upon a Biblical character who was praying to be pruned by God. Today we reflexively see in the church the notion that blessings are defined by increased temporal earnings instead of eternal earnings such as increased wisdom, righteousness, or love. The false teachings and prophets have convinced the church to take their collective eye off the ball. Instead of valuing the things of God we fix our eyes on the things of this world.
We see this again when we see Jabez pray that God would enlarge his territory. Just because he prayed for God to enlarge his territory, that does not mean he wanted more physical property. If we were to pray for God to enlarge our spiritual territory that would include our ministry efforts, souls brought to the cross, or increased discipline in our lives for example. Instead Wilkinson sold the notion that territory again was equated with material wealth on one level or another. That is not supported within the context or the Bible as a whole. Jesus said to not fix our eyes on the things of this world. That we needed to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven not on this earth. Let Your hand be with me and keep me from harm!
The book based on Jabez reached nine million people with a prosperity message that was not supported in Scripture. It was not an "alternate interpretation." It was heresy based upon a false interpretation. It set the stage for further works of heresy we see even today with something like the Circle Maker or the self help books from Joel Osteen. Beloved, Scripture was designed to change us. We were not designed to change Scripture. Do not believe the notion that all interpretations are acceptable. They are not. They must be supported within the local context and the context of the Bible as a whole. Who knows how many people prayed the false prayer of Jabez only to be fully disappointed and thus gave up on God altogether. Who knows how many have based their faith now upon a book that turns God into a cosmic ATM, waiting to pour out blessings upon us without consideration for the qualifying portion of the key verses - Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. Let us strive to be more honorable before the God we serve. Don't chase the myths of man and the latest Christian fad. Chase God and examine His Scripture as the Bereans did before us. That is where the true blessings always are - in God and His Word. Stay true to that beloved. Stay true to that.
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Reverend Anthony Wade - March 15, 2013