"This growing disdain for Christianity aligns with John 3:19, which states that people prefer darkness over light when their deeds are evil. Society's moral compass has shifted, leading to the labeling of good as evil and vice versa. In this increasingly hostile world, it is vital for Christians to remain steadfast in their faith. Trust in Jesus Christ, who has conquered the world, and do not be troubled. Continue to be salt and light in a darkening world. As challenging as the present may be, it pales in comparison to the world that will emerge after the Rapture, when the restraining influence of the Church is removed. At that time, those who have not placed their faith in Christ will face unparalleled hostility. For Christians who advocate for their faith, involvement in politics becomes crucial. Engaging in the political realm ensures that our nation is led by individuals who adhere to Christian principles and the Word of God." - James Lasher
The moral compass has not shifted in America. We have always called evil good and vice versa. It is important to realize here that both sides of the political spectrum do this, as well as the church. It is the nature of sin, which is the true point of the verse cited in John. Even though the light, Jesus, came into the world, people prefer the darkness. What Lasher is trying to sell is that the apostate church is somehow the light, and those evil Democrats just love the darkness. Nonsense. True darkness is perpetrated by a church pretending to be for Christ but truly valuing the riches of this world. It seems Mr. Lasher has read one too many Tim Lahaye books. Engaging in the political realm ensures our nation is led by individuals who adhere to Christian principles and the word of God? Seriously? Like who? Donald "grab em by the genitals" Trump? This is the core of the problem with dominionism. It props up evil people as righteous simply because they are in one political party over another. At the end of the day, they are just as evil but now you have defended that evil. A hypocrisy not lost on the unsaved.
"While society may be shifting, Christians are the preservers of moral integrity. By the power of the Holy Spirit, they hold back the tide of evil. However, a day will come when the Church is taken home in the rapture, and darkness will engulf the world. In a society where Christianity is increasingly viewed as "troublesome," faith remains the anchor in an uncertain world. Yet the faithful have nothing to fear from the enemies schemes against them, for "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world: (1 John 4:4)." - James Lasher
Christians are the preservers of moral integrity? What planet does Lasher live on? Charisma News supports the most egregious charlatans to ever pretend to be Christian. It is the home of the sneaky squid spirit and the angels of abundant harvest. It has defended Trump for years calling him the second coming of King Cyrus, with a Deborah mantle and an Elijah anointing. Was Mark Driscoll the preserver of moral integrity when he was stealing 200K in tithe monies to cheat the NY Times Best Seller List? Was Ted Haggard, head of the National Association of Evangelicals, preserving moral integrity when he was paying a male prostitute for twenty years for sex while doing crystal meth? Was Brian Houston while he was abusing all of those folks at Hillsong? Was Carl Lentz when he was seducing his babysitter on the bed he shared with his wife? The list goes on and on and does not end. Our job as believers is not to preserve the cultural moral integrity but to represent the savior of the entire world. It has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Him. Christianity is viewed as troublesome because of the political involvement the NAR undertakes. This is not us against them as Lasher and the NAR keeps selling. The truth is we hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven in the gospel, but we keep fighting over how the deck chairs are arranged on the Titanic. I have seen the movie. The ship is going down. There is but one lifeboat and His name is Jesus. Stop fighting over the deck chairs.
Reverend Anthony Wade - October 3, 2023