More imaginary threats. The bottom line here is that we had a bill ready to go that would reduce the time needed for asylum hearings from seven years to six months. It was crafted by an uber-conservative republican Senator. Harris and the White House had said they would sign it. Except Murillo's candidate tanked the bill and ordered the Republicans to vote their own bill down so he could run on the issue. So, spare me the clutching of your pearls as if you care about immigration. Nothing is being taken from your children beloved and it has been decidedly unchristian how the apostate church has attacked our brothers and sisters who happen to have been born in another country. If you think Jesus would have built a wall or deported people, then you do not understand the gospel whatsoever. What we do for the least of these. This is what carnal politics do. They point out other people, who may look different than you. They may sound different from you. They may even worship different than you. Then they blame them. They tell you everything wrong in your life is because of them. They are stealing your jobs. They are taking your community funds. They are eating your pets. Hate them in the name of Jesus. It should be repulsive to believers.
"Lastly, Murillo warns of spiritual decline. "Here's the most chilling part," he states. "You're going to lose the voice of God," warning that Harris will lead the country away from biblical values and into moral decay. Murillo urges Christians to act, insisting, "Not voting is a vote for Kamala." He stresses the importance of preventing what he sees is the inevitable destruction of American values under Harris' ungodly leadership." - Charisma News
Only in the demented mind of an NAR dominionist is the "godly" choice the guy with 34 felony convictions, convicted of rape, six bankruptcies, three times unfaithful to three different wives, including one time with a porn star. The moral decay of this country and every country is always going to be progressing until Jesus comes back. It continued under the Trump administration and the Biden administration. That is just a biblical reality. Not voting is simply not voting. It does not mean it is secretly a vote for one or the other. Lastly here, how weak is the fake god you worship that we can lose His voice by anything man can do? This is at the heart of poor NAR theology that assumes we are somehow so important in God succeeding. God does not need our help beloved. He is God all by Himself. Christians can vote or not vote. We can vote for whoever we want without fear of spiritual retaliation. Charisma News and Mario Murillo are just servants of the Republican Party, trying to convince you that their choice is somehow God's choice. It is not. God already knows who is going to win and He will still use them for his own ends. Be not deceived and fall not for political hucksters twisting the bible for their own idolatry.
Reverend Anthony Wade - October 2, 2024