Says no biblical text anywhere. Romans teaches us that true unity in the church is found only in doctrine. We cannot unify over carnal expressions and feelings. The issue is not how we express our love for God. That is biblically absurd. The church mentioned before expressed their love by handling snakes. Does it matter that they chose that expression? Of course it does! Bethel teaches a sloppy agape love where we really are idolizing ourselves and our emotions and then blaming God for them. Does that matter? Of course it does! There is only one way to rightly go forward as a pastor in God's church and that is by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not compromising it by allowing all sorts of doctrines of devils to infiltrate the body of Christ under the banner of "love." Pastor X would conclude:
XXX is a broad church with people coming together from different traditions but growing and going forward in unity. We don't always agree with each other but we do love each other and the God who unites us. Gail, that's probably a long winded way of saying I'd rather not read the book you have or enter into any discussion about Bethel." -- Anonymous Pastor
If you love me you will keep my word. This so misses the mark biblically it is frightening. We may come from different traditions and backgrounds but are unity is in Christ and His Word. This pastor acts as if the focus of Christianity is to all get along. Hardly. Jesus Himself said He came with a sword to divide families against themselves. Read the New Testament beloved. When someone was caught in the congregation outside what the Word had prescribed they were removed from fellowship! Pastor X seems so bent on unity that he doesn't care what is actually unifying them. Then to end with a refusal to even have a discussion with your congregant. Wow. What staggering arrogance. Just sticking his thumbs in his ears and screaming "lalalala." That is how dumbed down the hireling profession has become in these last days.
If gives me no joy to say that beloved. I do not know this pastor. I am friends with the congregant. She had a doctrinal question and issue she wanted to discuss with her shepherd and he said -- no. in doing so he defended heresy and the right of people to follow that heresy right into hell itself. As long as he loved them into hell that is. This is what a hireling looks like beloved. They care not for the sheep entrusted to them. They have no fear of the Lord before them. They are negligent watchmen, covered in the blood of those they refuse to warn.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- December 19, 2017