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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/28/17

How Many Heresies Can Kris Vallotton Fit into One Teaching?

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Now we come to straight word faith teaching, heresy number nine. This is classic Osteen teaching. Singing sad songs ministers to your pain because remember, your words create just like God's do! It is all about Stuart Smalley positive self-talk. Just keep saying that I am good enough, I am smart enough and doggone it, people like me! This is Glenda the Good Witch theology. Just say there is no place like home and soon you will be there! The vague bible reference here is Psalm 23, which does not say that we literally walk through the valley. Yet compare what Vallotton is teaching to that Scripture. In Psalm 23 we do not fear when we walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death because God is with us and His rod and staff comfort us! The staff was used to direct the sheep and the rod was to beat off the wolves. Both should be sources of comfort in the life of a believer. Is God even mentioned by Vallotton? No! It is all about you because you are god in this teaching! You have the power to walk out of your pain! You just need to stop speaking negatively! Sing the right songs! Don't set up camp in the valley (whatever that is actually supposed to mean)! Make sure you are working through it and getting it out? Ugh. Beloved when you base your faith upon yourself and your experiences, you simply leave Jesus behind. Here is Vallotton speaking about the faith of Bill Johnson in this article:

"I just want to say that Bill has developed a culture of testimony and prophecy around himself, so that his weakness became his strength. He has fed his soul and spirit with God's truth, with testimonies of what God has done in his life and in other people's lives, and the prophecies that fill him with the hope of what's to come. He has truly strengthened himself in the Lord. Over the years he refused to be a depressed man and rather created a culture of prophecy and testimony around him. We, myself and I'm sure many of you, now get to feed off of that. What I want to propose to you today is that you can do the same thing! You can feed off of the testimonies of breakthrough you've heard and the prophecies spoken over you! You can create a culture that others get to feed off of. But you have to leave pain so that you can get up and walk in breakthrough." -- Kris Vallotton

A culture of prophecy and testimony. Prophecy is the false claims others have made about him and testimonies are the false stories people have about their experiential Christianity. This is what Vallotton admires and aspires to. He even claims that many now have fed off of Bill Johnson instead of the Bible! Do not set this up in your life beloved. It is rancid meat to live off of the vain imaginations of any man. That is why God has given us His final revealed will. Do not tell me what someone else claims has happened. Show me the truth of Scripture! Show me what God has said to me directly! Feed off the verity found only in the inspired Word of God!

'I feel that we are in a Kairos moment for stepping out of pain, which reminds me of a passage in John 21. When Jesus rose from the dead he went to find the disciples in a boat. They had been fishing all night and Jesus yelled out to them from the shore to ask if they'd caught anything. They replied to say no, and that they'd been fishing all night. Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. Now let's just think for a second. You'd think that if they were fishing all night that they'd tried their net on both sides of the boat! But Jesus asked them to do it one more time. My point is that sometimes it doesn't take a new action, but rather a renewed action to see breakthrough. Sometimes Jesus asks you to do the thing you've been doing just one more time. I feel like this is a "try it again" day--whether that means going to the doctor one more time, going to the healing rooms one more time, calling your son or daughter that you haven't heard from in years one more time"Today is the day that you can walk out of pain. The Lord is saying "take up the pallet of promise and move on."' -- Kris Vallotton

Heresy number ten is the over spiritualization of biblical concepts in order to make God say something He never said. We see this here in the use of the word "Kairos"; which biblically is a Greek word meaning opportune time. This is opposed in the Greek by Chronos time, meaning sequential time. So once again, we are at the whims of how Kris Vallotton "feels" when he determines a "Kairos moment." So he takes this biblical word and spiritualizes it to lend credibility to his assertion that you just got to try one more time. Somehow the end result is the claim that God is saying to take up the pallet of promise and move on. Wow, what a load of garbage. First of all, there is no "pallet of promise" as Vallotton just made that up out of thin air. Secondly again is the problem with the onesie theology. Sure some might try one more time and see success. But many will try again and have the same results. More pain. More depression. What in the world does Kris Vallotton think he is doing to people? Some people deal with pain their entire life beloved. Many theologians think the thorn in Paul's flesh was a physical ailment of some kind. What we ought to be striving for is godly contentment in all situations. Can we pray for healing? Go to healing services? Call for the elders of the church? Absolutely! But to tell everyone that they must be healed, just need to speak more positively, or just need to "try again" is to trivialize people's pain and be completely calloused to the possibility that many will not simply "walk out of it." Thankfully Vallotton concludes:

"Today, regardless of why you're in a hard season, I want to encourage you to declare this out loud over yourself. The power of life and death is in the tongue so let's speak life over ourselves! Ready? Here we go: "I am leaving my pain behind. This is my day of deliverance. This day, the Lord will deliver me from the things that have plagued me and my family for generations. This is the day that the Lord decreed that I would walk out of a place of misery in every area of my life. Today's breakthrough will affect and infect my children and my grandchildren. We will create a legacy of breakthrough. Hope and peace will be named among the attributes of my family lineage. Our family will create a culture of wholeness. What feeds us and walks us out of pain today will become our strength, and thousands of people will come to our house to get out of pain and find promise!" -- Kris Vallotton

I have two herniated discs in my neck. The notion that I just haven't declared them away is so blindingly arrogant it is infuriating. Beloved imagine for every one that might actually see positive change by trying this there are ten who do not. What happens to them? What happens to their faith? Do they blame themselves? Do they blame God? Do they walk away in pain wondering why their declarations and decrees were meaningless? Beloved there are always victims from false teachers. Bloodied sheep dotting the Christian landscape. That is who we ought to be concerned about. I have neither tolerance nor patience for wolves such as Kris Vallotton. Ten heresies in one article. The new breed of false teacher does not even specialize anymore. They have a diverse portfolio of false teachings to draw from. That makes them even more dangerous. Let's make this our "Kairos moment" to decide to stay far, far away.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- September 28, 2017

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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