First of all, if you are going to celebrate Halloween why not use the demonically influenced Message paraphrase! More importantly, this is simply stupid. After you give in to the world, dress them up as "historical" characters, and teach them that Christians compromise THEN you are going to have the conversation about clothing themselves in God's wardrobe? Yeah, it doesn't work like that. Why not create the conversation surrounding why you refuse to participate in the evil instead of partaking of it and then wrapping it up with a pious bow? I might add here that these things God has said we should clothe ourselves with is not a costume. A costume implies that you disguise who you really are with it. It implies that you will take it off at some point. These things God wants from us is who we are supposed to be -- every day.
"2. We are not made for the darkness, but for light. We have been rescued from the darkness. "Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns" (Phil. 2:15)." -- Erica Wiggenhorn
This is what happens when you use the bible to try and prove your point instead of hearing what God is actually saying. The light that we bring into the darkness is the Gospel. We are not the light. The only light in us is Christ. If Erica was suggesting doing street evangelism on Halloween and preaching the Gospel that would be different. I would probably advise her not to without proper training but at least she would not be hypocritical. Paul did not go into the center of evil and partake of their evil. He did not try to reframe their evil. He did not try and take back their evil. He preached the Gospel. This is the point she keeps missing. Nowhere does God say go and partake of the evil of this world so that you may show light. He just says show your light. You can do so without dressing your kids up and pretending you are somehow not celebrating Halloween.
"3. Evil may be celebrating now, but God has already won. "The Devil who deceived them will be hurled into Lake Fire and Brimstone, joining the Beast and False Prophet, the three in torment around the clock for ages without end" (Rev. 20:10)." -- Erica Wiggenhorn
Completely irrelevant to this discussion. Is Wiggenhorn suggesting that because we know God wins that we do not have to worry about partaking of evil? The reality is that now there are unsaved multitudes that need the Gospel and a church that is willing to stand for what God stands for. Yes most will think we are foolish but the world is supposed to look at us and see a peculiar people. A people set apart who refuses to compromise. Then when their lives are in crises they will want the peace we have and the conviction to stand for something.
"Handling Halloween. I could boycott Halloween. I could try and shelter my children from the sights and sounds of this annual holiday. Or I could take this opportunity and use it for good. I will remind them that we are not of this world. Our God overcame the world and brought light into the darkness. Will we hide our light away or go out and shine in that darkness?" -- Erica Wiggenhorn
I am sure the devil loves that you think you are using his high holy day for "good." If you truly wanted to show your kids that they are not of this world then this was your perfect opportunity. Lastly, stop with the silly strawmen arguments. By refusing to dress your children up you are shining your light! By participating you are not. No one is suggesting boycotts. Have your kids hand out the candy and say "Jesus loves you" to each child. Teach them to give on a day the world takes. You can reward them later if you want. Listen beloved I know this is difficult in a fallen world but we are called to be set apart. Halloween offers Christians a chance to take a righteous stand. What do you tell your kids? That you do not celebrate that day. Just like you tell them when they have off for Jewish holidays but do not celebrate. A huge part of the problem is that you have been taught that Christianity is easy. That everything is puppies and pancakes; and love never-ending. No one has probably preached to you the importance of carrying your cross daily. Of dying to self. Of being a royal priesthood set apart from the world. This world is indeed evil but on October 31 they recognize it. They revel in it. They openly and unashamedly celebrate it. Is it too much to ask those who call themselves Christians to not join that celebration?