Jesus did not set up a Kumbaya Christianity. Paul named names of false teachers. Here is today's deep theology found in the key verses above. It is not calling out false teachers that causes division in the body of Christ. It is the false teachers themselves. That is what the key verses explicitly say! Those who cause division contrary to the doctrine you have been taught! The hearts of the na??ve continue to be deceived by many of the false teachers Dr. Brown supports. The biblical irony here is that it is Dr. Brown who sows dissension and division into the body every time he defends a wolf. Then in some version of Freudian projection, he blames his critics for what he is responsible for.
"7. They discourage faith and rob hope." - Dr. Michael Brown
There is no hope in Bill Johnson's theology. There is no faith to be placed in Joseph Prince, Benny Hinn or Jennifer LeClaire. These will all lead people away from Christ. Discernment ministries offer hope in the real gospel of Jesus Christ. They actively discourage placing faith in false teaching that inevitably will only lead to saying Lord Lord, when we stand before Christ to give account.
"8. They paint with too broad a brush, thereby condemning the innocent with the guilty." - Dr. Michael Brown
Look, if anyone tries to dismiss all Charismatics, I will agree that is too broad a brush. Each individual person needs to be tested by themselves but after that, who we associate is important. Who we stand on a stage with matters. Well, not so much to Dr. Brown, but it should matter. He is going to appear at a conference coming up with Vlad Savchuk, one of the horrific fake demon slayer false teachers. Watch, a year from now Dr. Brown will claim it is false witness to say he endorsed Savchuk. By the way, the company you keep matters beyond Charismania. I was the first to criticize John MacArthur for allowing himself to be positively interviewed by Brown's boss, Steven Strang. For someone who claims to have such great discernment, you should realize that it is not a good thing when Charisma News endorses your COVID polices.
"9. They deny essential teachings of the word." - Dr. Michael Brown
Nonsense and potentially false witness except Dr. Brown never names names. This is part of the tactic Brown employs. To slander critics by defaming their adherence to scripture. Brown used the bible to try and defend the sneaky squid spirit and his buddy Sam Storms tried to use the bible to defend the claim that Jesus was playing the saxophone at the foot of the bed of some heretic. So, spare me the doctrinal purity gripe. I could easily make the biblical argument that God directs us to expose false teachers and that Brown is denying that by refusing to. I would not make this argument however because it is unfair, as is Brown's assertion here that his critics must be disobeying scripture.
"10. They fail to remove the beam from their own eyes before passing judgment on others." - Dr. Michael Brown