"But that doesn't mean He didn't save Trump's life, and perhaps, because of this intervention, Trump will be a changed man for the good of America, resulting in blessing for millions of people. How can we say this will not happen? According to Shane (who was once on my radio show for some friendly interaction), because God is love, "we can be sure that God did not save Donald Trump but not the person killed by mistake. God did not save Trump, for that matter, but not the kids at Sandy Hook or Uvalde. God did not save some of the Israeli hostages but not the others. God does not want thousands of kids in Gaza to die." While I certainly appreciate these sentiments, they have no scriptural or even logical basis. In fact, using this same logic, you could argue that God is not love because He did not save all these others." - Dr. Michael Brown
Talk about no scriptural basis or logical basis. This nonsense is often put forth by false teachers. That because God could technically something, the inference they want to make is somehow supported. This is the tired old "God used a donkey" logic. Just because God used a donkey, once in 6000 years, that does not mean you get to make an ass of yourself today. Of course, God COULD have intervened with the assassination attempt but that does not mean He did. Of course, this event COULD have made Trump think about his mortality and become a changed man. The assumption that this would be a blessing for millions of people and America however is pure NAR fiction. You notice Brown does not even discuss how Trumps' dark convention speech dispels this fiction. What Shane is intimating is infinitely closer to being biblical than the "God can, therefore He must have" position. Shane is essentially making a cogent and biblical argument that we do not serve a God that is capricious in His dispensing of judgment. That it is biblically moronic to say that God destroyed New Orleans because of their liberal sin while also destroying Biloxi, Mississippi known for being conservative. Let me try it this way. I agree we can say that we ultimately cannot know why God did not intervene with Mr. Compertore but we should apply that same logic when it comes to Trump. We do not know. The problem is that Brown and his NAR masters are pretending we do. Or wildly speculating. Or saying, hey He could have. It is about being consistent and not using tragic events to further your politics in the name of God.
"For Shane, the big lesson is that, "There is no place for political violence in America from any quarter, but especially for any of us who choose to follow Jesus." He gets my hearty amen to that statement, for sure. He adds, "If our theology does not make us more loving, then we should question our theology." Once again, I absolutely concur. But that actually makes me question whether these kinds of memes and articles express God's love for Christian conservatives or Trump voters or Republicans or whoever the people may be who believe that God spared Trump's life. Are Zach and Shane being equally divisive in the name of love?" - Dr. Michael Brown
Except the theology of Dr. Brown does not make us more loving unless we vote as he outlines. Remember, he cannot understand how you can vote for someone other than Trump. To posit that speaking the truth about the bastardization of the assassination attempt is divisive is again projection. If Christian conservatives, Trump voters, or Republicans are twisting God into this caricature than it must be rebuked according to the bible. Read the key verses where we find Job making some very pointed arguments against his detractors who were trying to use God. God does not need us to speak deceitfully for Him and if you claim you do not know about Corey than by default you do not know about Trump. God does not need our carnal partiality that is designed to prop up our politics. You might be able to deceive man but you will not deceive God. Look at the people who say Lord Lord on the last day. These are churched people who spent their churchianity lying to themselves and deceiving man but in the end, Jesus says I never knew you.
"Shane also states, "Any theology that puts God, rather than sinful human beings, behind a gun or a bomb is bad theology." Once again, however, he overstates his case in his understandable zeal to come against a pseudo-Christian, hyper-nationalistic, violence-exalting mentality. And he fails to realize that God is with the policeman who pulls the trigger to stop a crazed murderer from slaughtering a child in a playground. Or that God is with the sniper who takes out a radical Islamic terrorist who is about to execute peaceful Christians. As the Word says, "For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer" (Romans 13:4)." - Dr. Michael Brown
That is just a horrific misuse of that scripture. Because it only applies to the causes Brown thinks are righteous. Just a few verses earlier, we see Paul saying that we should not resist authorities because all authority is from God. That would mean that currently, Joe Biden is God's chosen governing authority and we should not be resisting him. During COVID we saw multitudes of NAR churches openly defy state orders to not gather and they did so pretending the cause was biblical. Brown would agree with those leaders as his boss Steven Strang did. The police officer who killed George Floyd was not accompanied by God. I can list never ending examples of abuses and wrongful deaths from people who were "law." The sniper who takes out someone is not by default righteous. He may be according to our laws but war has two sides. Not everything is as clear as World War II for example. There were snipers in Iraq in 1992 and during the second Iraq War. I am sure the people of Iraq might disagree with Dr. Brown's reflexive righteousness argument. He is again making a political distinction and applying it to God by misusing scripture. Governing authorities do not just apply to our country, where we think everything is exceptional. God created all of mankind, not just America. The points Shane makes are correct. The hyper-nationalistic, violence exalting, pseudo-Christians are the NAR that Brown is a gatekeeper of.
"But let me not end here. Instead, I extend a personal invitation to Shane and Zach to each join me for a full-length interview on The Line of Fire. Let's have a civil, honoring dialogue on our perspectives and, hopefully, bring more heat than light. What do you say?" - Dr. Michael Brown
I hope they say no. Dr. Brown has proven to not be a good-faith actor in this debate and this article only proves that. God did not stop the assassination attempt and then allow Mr. Compertore to die. That God is not supported by scripture. What is undeniably true is that in His permissive will, He allowed both. That is not His decretive will however. Donald Trump did not emerge born again, as is being inferred throughout Charisma News, who Brown writes for. I understand that Dr. Brown does not understand the Faustian bargain he has entered into. He has traded in being the bible answer man and voice of moral clarity for supporting a man who had sex with a porn star while cheating on his third wife who was home with their new born son. He answers only to his political masters and everyone who disagrees is dismissed out of hand as being hyper-critics or some other blather. He wants to debate Shane and Zach to try the same thing he tried with Justin Peters, Jim Osman, Holly Pivec, and Dr. Doug Geivett before. It would be wiser to state your position as Brown has and let people discern because all he will do is muddy the waters in dissent. Expressing love for Republicans, Trump voters and conservatives does not start by lying to them that God supernaturally intervened to edge his head slightly in one direction while not caring at all that the very same bullet might take the life of one of His followers who was protecting his family. While it may be plausible that God did sovereignly intervene, it does not mean He did. Brown and the NAR do not present the possibility of sovereignty, they infer the absolute sense that it occurred and then return to the "we can't know" side of the argument to not have to deal with messiness of Corey Compertore. The "oh well, so sad about Corey" while declaring God miraculously saved Trump presents an unbiblical God that impulsively saves your political savior while killing a faithful follower of God. Brown has sold his reputation for thirty pieces of political silver and this convenient theology is merely the mechanism to try and convince people he is right.