To once again return to the obvious fact that Bethel believes in the teaching of the gifts to believers, which is discounted as unbiblical based on the 1Corinthians 12 verses, Bolz here claims you can learn to grow IN words of knowledge. He also uses an abused charismatic term known as impartation, which is the belief that humans can transfer the gifts from and to each other. They cannot. Beloved this is the same sin that God cast Lucifer out of heaven for and he then tempted Eve with in the garden. To usurp the power that belongs to God alone. While it would be quite revelatory to see the content of some of the proposed session topics I have no intention of enriching someone working against the kingdom of God. We do not need to however as there are obvious red flags in his weekly topics alone, such as:
LESSON 4: How To Grow In Words of Knowledge
LESSON 5: Connector To Words Of Knowledge
LESSON 7: Personal Words For Yourself
LESSON 8: Words of Knowledge For Healing
LESSON 9: Words of Knowledge For The World Around You
LESSON 14: Core Values for Pursuing Words of Knowledge
LESSON 15: Risk-Taking