I want you to really get how little you understand what you are speaking about Shane. The first female Chief of Staff that you are bragging about, in the same breath as claiming Trump will take a hard look at Big Pharma, is Susie Wiles. What did Susie Wiles do for a living? She was a lobbyist for Pfizer, which is as big as Big Pharma gets. These are not lies Shane but your spin sure is. You realize that we can see right through you, right Shane? People who disagree with you politically do not want to tear it down, hate America or any of your other vicious attacks. They just disagree with you. They believe that the church should not be in bed with the government. They believe that creating fear and loathing of immigrants and threatening their existence is not exactly Christlike. They believe that hirelings pretending to be pastors should not make a living actively scattering people away from Jesus. So, the answer to your open letter Shane? Yeah, that is going to have to be a hard no. The bible says light should have no fellowship with darkness, so I am afraid we cannot sing Kumbaya with your dark self. As I have written recently, the devil showed you all the glory of this world and said it could be all yours if you just bowed down. So, you prostrated yourself and started dancing with the devil. The problem Shane is when you dance with the devil, he always leads. You used to know that. So, enjoy your victory lap because there is a price to be paid for it. Pretty soon Shane, your fifteen minutes will be up.
Reverend Anthony Wade - November 11, 2024