These are the false teachings the NAR specializes in. Voting is NOT a spiritual responsibility. That is a moronic teaching that has no biblical foundations. The Proverbs verse is not instructing anything about voting because there was no voting at that time. It is a simple statement that if the ruler is wicked, which many of the kings of Israel were, the people mourn, which they did. Remember though that Lasher and Charisma are not advocating just for voting but for voting for a specific candidate. The argument here by quoting Proverbs is that we have to vote for righteous people so that we can rejoice but they offer up the least righteous man in history as the choice and that is why people are staying home. They smell the blatant hypocrisy. Lasher quotes half the Mattthew verse and leaves off the context, which is provided in the key verses above. How in the world is it letting our light shine before men to cast a secret ballot? Lasher's conclusion that this Matthew verse somehow portends the necessity to vote is frankly, stupid. You want to know why 41 million Evangelicals are not voting? It is because people like Charisma News put Donald Trump in the same sentence with "godly leadership." Moving on to the second article, this one about Jonathan Con.
"In a new prophetic message by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Cahn unlocked some of the key areas that voters should consider when it comes to who they will cast their vote for in the upcoming election. "One of two courses are going to be chosen for America. Never in modern times has the choice been so stark and so radical," Cahn says. "And this is not about people. It's about issues. The Democratic presidential and vice presidential ticket is the most radical, leftist ticket in history." - Charisma News
Cahn's con is getting quite old. He has not "unlocked" anything of course. He has a political opinion and he wants to wrap it up in fake prophetic words to fool his followers. We have also heard this tired old rhetoric before. Barack Obama was sold to us by the NAR as the most leftist candidate in history. Then it was Hillary. Then it was Biden. Whatever. Either way, Con's political opinions have NOTHING to do with God. Note here the sleight of hand Con tries to pull off, which the whole NAR has been trying to do. For years all we heard from the NAR dominionists is that character counts. Now that they have such a horrible man for their candidate, they switch to pretend that this is not about people, but rather issues. Right. Yet another reason why 41 million Evangelicals will not vote this year and by the way, why 40 million people have left the church in the last 25 years. What Con is selling is a Faustian bargain where he encourages the church to make a deal with the devil in order to get their political goals potentially met. Unfaithful to all three wives including once with a porn star? Hey nobody's perfect! Six bankruptcies, and 34 felony convictions? We aren't voting for a pastor in chief! Convicted rapist with three other serious cases pending against him? Hey now, don't focus on the people, focus on the issues. Except the person IS the issue.
"God said to the prophet Ezekiel that He had appointed him [as] a watchman. And if he didn't warn the people to sound the trumpet, God would hold him accountable for their blood," says Cahn. Now, in the same way as Ezekiel was held accountable, we must vote or be held accountable for standing by in the middle of darkness and evil. Voting is the action we can take to fight against the evil we are seeing in this generation.' - Charisma News
How utterly disgusting. The Con Man is now the latest in a long line of Charisma flunkies who have threatened the sheep with hell if they do not vote as they demand. We saw Mario Murillo and Greg Locke flat out say that people who vote Democratic are hell bound reprobates and irredeemable. The once respected Jack Hibbs taught that when we stand before Christ, He will be reviewing our voting record. Now Jonathan Con says that if we do not vote for Donald Trump, we will be held accountable for standing by in the middle of darkness and evil. You have got to be kidding me. So, voting for the guy who said he is allowed to grab women by their genitals is being sold as the antithesis to darkness and evil? Once again, are you figuring out why 41 million Evangelicals will stay home this year? Beloved, the very best argument we can make for a vote is the lesser of two evils. This is why voting is never an action that fights against evil. By definition, it is choosing an evil side. This is why maybe the 41 million Evangelicals might be on to something. Con said one other thing that reveals how much of a fraud he is:
'"How dangerous this would be if this one becomes president of the entire nation? - Jonathan Con
Why Jonathan? Is the false god you serve incapable of dealing with a Harris presidency? Is God going to be shocked on November 6th? Will His word change? There is no persecution of Christianity in this country and that will not change regardless of who is president. We are not called to be watchmen by voting for Donald Trump. It is insulting to anyone with a sliver of discernment. It is evil advocating for evil. It is the reason why so many will simply stay home this November. God will still be God on November 6th and He has not asked for our help. Mark and avoid the Con man beloved and Charisma News' continued onslaught against the church.