For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. - Romans 1: 16 (ESV)
Only the Gospel has the power to save. This may sound like a nuanced point but it really is not. The Bible is not the Gospel. Once someone hears the Gospel and believes they are saved. Then they need the Bible because it is no longer foolishness to them. They now have the Holy Spirit indwelt to lead them into all truth.
This is the recurring theme whenever we are dealing with Christians who idolize this country. God is not sparing America beloved. He was never in covenant with America. He will return to judge America as He will all nations. To think that this country could ever behave well enough to avoid this is unbelievably unbiblical and naà ¯ve. So what we are left with is people like Dr. Dobson trying to impose his biblical worldview upon a world that think he is a fool. That is not a recipe for success. That is also not instructed in the Bible. I did not come to God and believe just because someone called me a sinner. I did so because I heard the Gospel preached. Remember, only it has the power of salvation. Consider the key verses for a moment. The Apostle Paul is spreading the Gospel throughout the world. He reasons and persuades. When he encounters resistance however, he moves on. By doing so, he avoids arguments with people who think him a fool and ensures that everyone in the entire region hears the Gospel. If this was James Dobson or Larry Tomczak they would have stayed at the first synagogue and written articles about those people saying mean things about Christianity. Their focus would have been on insisting that the folks in the first synagogue believed what they did instead of simply moving on and continuing to preach the Gospel.
You see, what Larry and James go to war with are biblical truths. Things that are only discerned by those who are not already perishing. Because we read the Bible and believe it we know that sex is supposed to be reserved for marriage. We know that divorce is breaking a covenant with God. We know that all life is precious to God. We know this because the Holy Spirit confirms it for us when we read the Word of God. The world however does not know these things. Divorce is simply a business decision for many. Sex is no longer sacred. The definition of life can be negotiated. These things however are symptoms not conditions. The condition is the same condition God found us in - sinner. We are not sinners because we sin beloved. We sin because we are sinners. We can never change enough behavior to correct this problem. Only the Gospel can change it. But Larry and James just point their fingers at the world and shout - sinner! Look, what the Bible says! Why can't you see what we see? Because there is no Holy Spirit leading them into truth. Because the things of God are still foolishness to them. Because they do not need the Bible - they need the Gospel.
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you--unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, - 1Corinthians 15: 1-4 (ESV)
This is Paul explaining what the Gospel is. That Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose on the third day. What people like Tomczak and Dobson traffic in is the law. Read the list of six things again and you will see each one is law, law, law. Sin, sin sin. Now, I am always advocating that there is not enough sin preaching anymore these days but sin preaching without the grace of God is nothing but a death sentence to those listening. Break down Paul's definition of the Gospel and we have the following elements:
1. We are sinners (law)
2. Jesus Christ died for our sins (grace)
3. Jesus was buried (our penalty for sin - law)
4. Jesus rose on the third day (Jesus defeats the grave, we too rise with Christ anew - grace)
When we approach the world with only Leviticus in hand is it any wonder they do not want to listen? The fact that we are sinners cannot save us alone. Remember, no one could keep the law. The fact that the wages of our sin is death cannot save us. It is only the work of the cross that can save us. It is only His resurrection that guarantees us everlasting life. The Gospel is the Good News, not the law. The Bible is of the utmost importance to believers but the Gospel is what unbelievers need. The problem with the approach of Larry Tomczak and James Dobson can be found in the title of the article. It is not the six lies that are condemning people to hell. It is not six lies the Gospel can defeat in your life. No beloved. It is six lies from the pit of hell that are destroying America. Their focus is not on saving sinners but saving the Babylon they love.
This is the end product of focusing on a so called "biblical worldview." It places the law upon everything the world does without consideration for the actual Gospel it needs. Further compounding the problem is that no one can keep the law, including those in the church so in the end we look like hypocrites too. Wait a minute preacher! Are you suggesting Christians should not have a biblical worldview? Not if that worldview is to present them with the law and not the grace of God that can save them. You want a biblical worldview? Here it is:
1. Everyone are sinners before God according to the law
2. Only the Gospel has the power to save them
3. I apply the Bible to my own life
4. I preach the Gospel to the lost