Who knew it could be so easy? Just accentuate the positive and soon you will be rolling in the dough! Seriously though this is the same scam when you hear pastors challenge people to "try Jesus out" by tithing for six months. It is the same scam used by sports gambling hustlers for years. They call 1000 people and give out a "guaranteed winner" because they have "inside information." They give 500 people one side and 500 the other. The 500 who lose do not matter because they were never customers anyway but the 500 who "win" now think the hustler has inside information, for which they will now pay for in the future. The church scam says trying tithing and see what happens. Everything positive over the next six months is automatically attributed to God and your new "obedience." Anything negative is attributed to Satan nd even if at the end the person feels they were not paid back enough they do not not matter because they weren't giving anyway when this all started. But the 500 who think they got paid pack for their giving? They are now regular tithers. This is the promises Yount is making here. That once you stop complaining and give more you will see undiscovered blessings come to pass and learn of finances you didn't know you had because God is now releasing angels on your behalf.
Beloved, do not fall fro scam from hucksters who seek to make merchandise of the Gospel. Realize also that this mess was blamed on God by Bill Yount. His claim of prophecy is saying God told him all of this heretical and anti-biblical garbage. Realize the true spirit behind this. Satan loves the direction the end times church is heading in. Just this week, Mega-heretic Andy Stanley told a leadership conference of pastors that doctrine was not as important as unity. That unified purpose driven seeker friendly abomination needs money to operate. A lot of money. So he also dispatched Bill Yount to tell all of those complaining Christians out there to stop whining about the mortgage and feeding their kids and fork over God's cut or they will miss out on the blessing train. Don't fall for it beloved. If you find a church that genuinely preaches the uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ then by all means sow into it. Do not give a dime to the works of darkness though. Not one dime.
Reverend Anthony Wade - May 1, 2018