Using the same strategy because they serve the same carnal political masters, Murillo is trying to place an air of the divine on Trump. Now he needs a "greater miracle," clearly implying the absurd talking point that him not being assassinated was a miracle coordinated by God, while He apparently allowed Corey Compertore to be murdered, right. Murillo and the NAR are all about dividing people against each other but not by preaching the gospel. Instead, the enemies are presented as those evil lefties. Remember, Murillo is already on record as saying that people who vote democratic are unredeemable. He honestly believes you will stand before Christ with your voting record in hand and Jesus might say, "sure I'd like to let you in, but Clinton in 96? What were you thinking?" Notice the stupidity Murillo works under. The first round of voting in France went Conservative and the second went for the other side so be default, they must have stolen it. He does emulate his idol in Trump. Let's see what he has to say about this fictional dragon he has made up.
"Indoctrination: Liberals still control the overwhelming majority of the information highway. Prepare for an indoctrination blitz like the world has never seen. The goal: to make Trump the next Hitler. Remember "Russia, Russia, Russia"? Now they will chant, "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler!" Watch for words such as: "Fascist!" "Threat to democracy!" "Convicted felon!" This blitz will encompass virtually everything you see and hear for the next several weeks. Everything from late-night talk shows to ads featuring movie stars and pop singers will flood the airwaves and social media." - Mario Murillo
This is just hysterical. The right wing in this country literally has their own disinformation networks! Yes, it is sad when people resort to making comparisons to Hitler, like Trump's current running mate, J.D. Vance who made that comparison before selling his political soul. Oops, there goes that talking point. The other stale lie is to mock the Russia claims since that resulted eight Trump associates and campaign officials being convicted of felonies. Robert Mueller also concluded that Trump did coordinate with the Russians, so please stop lying Mario. He is a convicted felon! Thirty-four times! He continues:
"Intimidation: Lawfare is not over. The same deep state that sent Trump onto a stage when it knew a sniper was aiming at him will unleash a firestorm of legal illegalities. Look for them to unleash an all-out war on the Supreme Court. They will slander and libel conservative justices to label them co-conspirators with Trump. They will leak the private information of Republican leaders in order to harass their families. Opposition research will intensify"anything to discredit their enemies." - Mario Murillo
Lawfare is this snazzy term made up in the bowels of right wing think tanks, just like the "deep state" boogeyman. What it really means is you are guilty as sin so we have to pretend that somehow the process was flawed. Murillo is far crazier than most selling Christians the incredibly dangerous lie that somehow the assassination attempt was coordinated by the same people he is telling you to hate. Keep in mind he also cosplays as a pastor and evangelist. Slander and libel are legal terms so if that was happening, we would see court cases. The same Supreme Court he is whining about just said presidents have absolute despotic power to help Trump in his pending court case for starting the insurrection on January 6th, so It makes sense why some are upset and concerned. Again, stop lying and pretending you are doing it for God Mario.
"Criminal activity: Consider what they have done before. They raided homes, sponsored riots and have even taken lives. Nothing is off the table. The identity of the new Democratic candidate is not important. Trump is not running against a person. He is running against a machine: a vast leftist beast with tentacles in every element of American life. It will suddenly come alive. Do not assume Vice President Kamala Harris will be Biden's replacement. She is a cackling word salad without the excuse of dementia." - Mario Murillo
Raided homes, sponsored riots and taken lives? Any proof of that Mario? I didn't think so. Look, let us never lose sight that Murillo is pretending to be a man of God but even in this small snippet we see he is just as disgusting as the politics he serves. Can you be any more misogynistic than to refer to a woman who was elected Senator and District Attorney and then chosen to be Vice President as a "cacking word salad?" Is this what Jesus would do? Why is someone claiming to be an evangelist spewing all of this hate? You can stop pretending you evangelize when your strategy starts with insulting half the population and consigning them to hell. It also shows your side has no ideas.
"But as Democrats proved in 2020, they can put anyone in there and make that person a threat. What about the $90 million Democrat super PAC money? Isn't it impossible for anyone but Kamala to use the money? Bradley A. Smith, professor at Capital University Law School in Ohio, suggested that the Biden-Harris funds could be transferred to Democratic committees backing House and Senate candidates or punted even further down the electoral timeline to "support Democrats in future years." Besides, money is not going to be an issue for Democrats now. Globalist billionaires can fill the Democrat war chest overnight." - Mario Murillo