* The participants were movie characters and Jesus was ET
* The participants were all classic male movie stars and Jesus was Marilyn Monroe
* The participants are all stormtroopers and Darth Vader with the Emperor as Jesus
* The participants were all breakfast cereal characters with Cap'n Crunch as Jesus
* A different set of cereal characters with Aunt Jemima as Jesus
* And there were endless other examples
Are we getting the point here? Where was the collective outrage for these? Why all of a sudden, four months out from an election, is the NAR screaming bloody murder? Why are they trying to make you hate the lost instead of weeping over them as Christ would have? These are the questions we need to be asking. I saw a lot of "God will not be mocked" quotes today and that is true but let us take a look at Matthew Henry's commentary on this for a second:
"Many excuse themselves from the work of religion, though they may make a show, and profess it. They may impose upon others, yet they deceive themselves if they think to impose upon God, who knows their hearts as well as actions; and as he cannot be deceived, so he will not be mocked." - Matthew Henry
Yes, God will not be mocked but I think those espousing that today are missing the point. What we saw today from the NAR was people making a show and trying to impose upon others what they believe. God knows our hearts and our actions beloved. We need to remember that there are operatives trying to sell you selective outrage, victimization and grievance. They want you angry at the very people who need God's grace just like we once did. They have an ulterior motive for this that is entirely carnal. They are not truly upset for God. When we see people who are lost to God and act like it, we ought to feel compassion, grief, and offer mercy. Instead, we get Donald Trump Jr saying:
"'Hopefully one day enough people will finally have had enough of the BS. Till then you can continue to watch everything good and decent and everything you hold dear get burned to the f"ing ground. The choice is yours.'" - Donald Trump Jr.
Then you have Elon Musk, Republican Party operative, who tweeted that Christianity today is toothless. As if our faith is supposed to have teeth. As if Jesus did not lay down His life willingly as the Lamb. Jesus did not teach us that we should be baring our teeth to the lost. That theology is straight from the NAR.