But we do not sing about God as a devouring fire because that doesn't sell well. We begin to change who God is supposed to be in our lives. Look at Abram beloved. God tells him to pick up and move and he does. Despite the Canaanites are in the land, God assures him that His promises are always yes and amen. Immediately, the reaction is to keep holy what God has said and done. Immediately, the reaction is to build an altar. Keeping God reverent reminds us who He is and who we are. When we have our roles correct we are more likely to focus on God instead of ourselves. When we have our roles correct we develop the faith of Joshua and Caleb. When we have our roles correct we, like Abram, immediately reflect to God with thanksgiving for what He has said; trusting what He will do. May we always have the obedience of Abram and therein discover the God-friendship of Abraham.
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Reverend Anthony Wade - June 21, 2013