"I was honored to give an invocation at our nation's 60th presidential inauguration ceremony before President @realDonaldTrump and Vice President @JDVance were sworn in today," writes Graham. "I urged those in attendance to stand still and remember the great things that God has done for this country and to keep our eyes fixed on Him. Will you join me in praying for President Trump and our leaders?" - Franklin Graham
Mr. Graham is a political operative cosplaying as a pastor. He is entirely a political animal who only serves the Republican Party. He has made his deal with the devil and is now trying to sell that deal to you as well. It was Graham who singlehandedly bridged the gap to the Evangelical vote in 2015 for Trump. Well, after Trump donated six figures to the two "charities" Graham runs. Charities is in air quotes only because back then, Franklin was earning over $800,000 in salaries from those two organizations. Good gig if you can land it. He came under some scrutiny for it though, so he figured out how to game the system. He petitioned the IRS to reclassify these two charities as a "collective of churches." This allowed him to keep his salaries private to this day, which must be far in excess of a million dollars per year. Cause you know, Jesus. Next up is the renowned false teacher, Jentzen Franklin:
"Congratulations @RealDonaldTrump! Thank you for giving God the glory for your presidency. He will bless this." - Jentzen Franklin
God does not bless words Jentzen. The Pharisees also had plenty of pious words. Just a few months ago the same guy giving God the "glory" was telling million of people on TV that our Haitian brothers and sisters were eating pets in Ohio. This is how the NAR operates, however. They always point to the words people say instead of the deeds they actually do. So, Mr. Trump throws the apostate church some red meat by saying "God" but then at night he pardons over 1000 violent felons. Once again, that is the very definition of cultish idolatry. The idol can never do anything wrong or ever be held vaguely accountable. His enemies are your enemies.
This is just a taste. A smattering of the absolute loony tunes hirelings that exalt their idol and insist you must as well. The president's first "spiritual advisor" was Paula White! That is someone who once said God told her that 1Chronicles 22:9 meant you were supposed to send her $229! Do we seriously think this is normal? Or vaguely biblical? If you honestly think that Jesus is reviewing your voting record when you stand before Him for judgment, then I will pray for your salvation. Like Jesus is going to be saying, "Hey I'd like to let you in but, Clinton in 96? What were you thinking!" It doesn't work that way! Just consider the sheer lunacy of Locke and Hibbs' positions. That salvation would be entirely dependent upon a carnal, political vote, instead of believing in the finished work of the cross. Instead of Jesus being the focal point of salvation, Donald Trump is.
THAT is idolatry. He is not Elijah. He is not King Jehu. He is a billionaire real estate tycoon. You may conclude that he is your lesser evil but even then, he remains evil. God is not going to want to hear how you defended your evil. He is not going to want to hear how you made others feel that they were hell bound for disagreeing with your assessment. We should not be bowing down at any political altar beloved.
Cause you know, Jesus.