3. Recognize cultural shifts with God's lenses, walk in Biblical wisdom for judging prophetic words and release them with accuracy and clarity.
Ahh, cultural shifts with God's lenses. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing. It is just Charismatic word salad thrown together to sound super spiritual but signify nothing. Releasing prophetic words? What are they captured animals? This is more Charismatic nonsense designed to sound super spiritual. Let me explain prophetic accuracy and clarity for you, as per the bible. Prophecy is claiming God told you something. He does not stutter. He is not vague. If you say something and claim God said it then it better come to pass. If it doesn't, you did not "mishear." You lied. Or you couldn't tell the whisper of the devil from the voice of God. Either way, according to the bible, you are a false prophet and should be marked and avoided. Wait, let me check the God lens"yep He agrees.
4. Join a company of passionate prophetic people and prophets, who know how to articulate the current season and desire to usher the world into a new era.
The new era is simply a new season of grifting. They are certainly passionate, about stealing your hard-earned money. Articulating the current season is just another Charismatic word salad designed to sound mysterious and deep.
5. Emerge with clarity for your season personally, and identify how it connects to the corporate season shift.
Whatever. The simple translation is after the five days and they pocket their cool million dollars, you are on your own. That's your "clarity." Beloved, do not fall for the master grifter. You cannot teach the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You cannot activate prophetic gifts. Just realize that what Kris Vallotton is selling you is the usurpation of God's power and glory. Instead of 30 pieces of silver it will only cost you $425 to cosplay like Elijah and learn how to "release" prophecies that God never gave you. Please realize, if God wishes to speak through you He will. You do not need Kris Vallotton and his gaggle of grifters. Mark, avoid, and save your money.