3. Enrique Tarrio was the leader of the Neo-Fascist Proud Boys paramilitary group and upon release yesterday said that he intends to "bring the heat" to those who dared to put him and the others in jail.
4. One man, who was on a pre-trial release for soliciting a minor at the time of the attack, assaulted cops with bear spray and a metal whip.
5. Another man, sentenced to 12 years was found guilty of 12 felonies, including choking one officer to the ground. During sentencing, he verbally attacked the judge.
6. Another man, facing 20 years, used fellow rioters as human scaffolding, used poles, crutches, pepper spray and broken pieces of furniture as weapons against police officers. Oh, and during a different protest, he assaulted someone else with a metal bat.
7. One man posted before January 6 - "welcome to the revolution" and "there will be blood." Then on the day of, he plunged a stun gun into the neck of Washington Police Officer Michael Fanone. He bragged after on social media that he got away and "tazed the f*** out of the blue," referring to the police.
These are just seven examples out of hundreds. Many who were released admitted yesterday that their assertions of remorse were faked. They have no remorse and now the President of the United States has excused and validated their violence in the furtherance of disrupting a peaceful transfer of power. That is open to political disagreement, but the real problem is the church now stands for this as well and that is not open for agreement. Beloved, if you are being fed this hatred as Christian doctrine you need to get out now. If you follow one of these disgusting pastors, you need to unfollow them now. Any politician or president will engage in behaviors and policies that stand against scripture. That is why none are righteous. That is why we should not be declaring one or the other is secretly "God's choice." That will always damage the cause of the gospel. Yesterday, Donald Trump directed ICE agents to forcibly remove people from houses of worship. Just consider that visual for a moment. What will you do when they come for the person sitting next to you in the pew? Will you applaud? Assume that they must somehow be dangerous? More dangerous than the man who shoved a stun gun into the neck of Michael Fanone? Beloved, this world is passing away. The only thing that matters is the gospel and reaching people before Jesus comes back. Not carnal politics. Not pretending violent criminals are hostages. Not glorifying people who break the law, assaulted cops and then preach about holiness. The apostate church and the seven mountains idiots force the church to straddle the fence between utter carnality and faux-spirituality. To constantly mix the holy with the profane. To worship a man who cheated on his first wife with his second wife and his third wife with a porn star, already convicted of rape, with 34 other felonies. Then in the next breath teach on the Beatitudes. Charisma News speculated the other day why 40 million people have left the church in the past 25 years, but they only focused on the moral scandals, such as Bickle, Morris and Dr. Brown. While those scandals certainly factor in, Charisma only needs to look in the mirror to see why the great apostasy is well underway. They are leading it. The world is not going to want to hear anything we have to say about Jesus Christ and the importance of repenting for sin, when we think someone wearing a "Camp Auschwitz shirt, who likes to use other people as human scaffolding and rejoices in buying some "motha-f*cking guns" is just a hostage that should not be punished for their crimes. Jesus did not say to turn the other cheek, so we could more easily jam a stun gun into someone's neck. The pastors who support this are beyond hirelings. They are demonic operatives leading people directly to hell. This is the end result of not checking your politics at the door of your faith and instead, mixing the two. There are always consequences and always victims. The apostate church system now stands with convicted felons who defecated and urinated in the Halls of Congress and then violently assaulted police officers. Its stands for making the most vulnerable in our society pay more for their medicines. It stands for the pettiness of deleting the Spanish version of official websites or demanding apologies from church officials who had the temerity to ask for mercy. It stands for dragging congregants out of churches. You know, in Jesus' name.
As a postscript, if you are reflexively making counter arguments in your head about Joe Biden, or democratic policies, or any other "whataboutism," I ask you to check yourself. Those are CARNAL arguments. I am not making any such arguments. If you excuse everything in this devotional as somehow permissible because of political reasons, knock yourself out. What you cannot do, and I will not allow, is any attempt to Jesus-fy any of this hatred and filth. Matthew 7 is real beloved. We will stand and give account. That reckoning will not be focused on our voting record or anything as banal as that. It will be based upon our faith in Christ, the real Christ. The one from the key verses today, which are part of the scriptures dealing with the final judgment. Who are the least of these beloved? The hungry. The thirsty. The stranger. The unclothed. The sick. The prisoner. It doesn't say to drag the stranger out of a church and deport them. It doesn't say make the sick pay more money for their life saving medications. It says visit the prisoner; not pardon everything they have done and pretend they are righteous. It doesn't say to ignore the hungry and thirsty. I am not sure where this finds you today but if you are on the side of carnality, come out from among her.