5) Permeates -- "The Bible directs salty saints to seize the opportunity to engage unbelievers wisely and not withdraw into isolation. I'm personally committed to authenticity ever since God impressed on my heart 40 years ago, 'Let it never be said of me that I presented the world a caricature of Christ." -- Larry Tomczak
Mercifully, it is over. Once again Tomczak returns to his false premise of affecting the cultural mountains of this pagan society. The truly sad thing beloved is this last item makes Larry Tomczak seem very sincere. It only highlights why our sincerity is not enough. We must remain biblically accurate. Our doctrine must remain pure. Because Larry Tomczak has sadly done the very thing he has strived his whole life to not do. He has presented the world with a caricature of Jesus Christ. This caricature is wearing an American flag for a cape, has a semi-automatic assault rifle over one shoulder, and has personally escorted Donald Trump into the White House. This caricature clearly believes the end justify the means. This false jesus also has no problem with complete hypocrisy. He doesn't mind if Christians mock those who they disagree with. This caricature doesn't care about people based upon religion, thinks borders are more important than salvation, and rides off into the sunset on his Harley Davidson.
This is what happens when you worship this country as an idol. When you take an obviously evil man and try to make him out to be a messiah. We pray for our leaders. We do not deify them. We do not ascribe biblical characters and roles for them to play out in our wickedly deceptive hearts. When you do, you end up with a false god. A caricature that saves no one. Do you know why? Because in all of your machinations to try and pretend Donald Trump is God's choice, you forgot the Gospel and only the Gospel can save anyone. In trying so desperately to squeeze the Sermon on the Mount into your politics you have become the salt that has lost its taste that the key verse speaks to. No good for anything anymore. Just to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Truly sad indeed.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- February 2, 2017