Aww"it only matters what is over the door of your heart? How absurdly unbiblical. The Bible warns that our heart is the most deceitful thing ever made. That is why the assurance of doctrine is what we are to be unified by. God never lies. He never changes. The door of your heart will convince you that the Gospel is old wine for example. Beloved, it matters tremendously what is over the door of your church. It informs you what they believe inside. If you see over the door of a church that it says Church of Latter Day Saints for example then you know they are Mormons who do not believe what you do. If it says New Apostolic Reformation then you know they believe we must conquer the world in order to help Jesus return. What a church believes is critical for deciding if they are part of the body of Christ and people we ought to fellowship with.
The more telling statement here is the fact that Vallotton seems to believe that the purpose of preaching is to inspire people so they can think, in order to generate an idea, to formulate an opinion. Yes Kris, you have nailed the spirit of the Gospel. The truth is that we do not preach the Gospel so that men can think but so they can repent. It requires denying self to follow Christ not to inspire people to think and formulate opinions. These are not secret revelations hidden in the eternal vaults of heaven beloved. They are heretical self-centered teachings written over the door of Kris Vallotton's heart. It is not new wine but rather old rancid milk. He concludes:
"Denominationalism doesn't like opinions because they could lead to disagreements, and under this spirit, disagreement causes splits and division. In denominationalism, disagreement is seen as disloyalty. Therefore, there is no freedom for disagreement. Beyond that, how much you value someone is seen by how much you agree with them! What a controlling mess! I'd love to suggest that you have permission to love anyone, whether they agree with you or not. This will keep you out of manipulating people into agreeing with you. What's the overall point? We need a new wineskin!" - Kris Vallotton
No Kris. Denominationalism does not like opinions because there is only one opinion that matters. This is why Paul said that he did not bring the Gospel with words of persuasive wisdom, lest the power of the cross be emptied of its power. We have the Gospel! We do not need our lofty opinions! Disagreement with the Gospel is disloyalty to God so you are right Kris - there is no freedom for disagreement! Only in the depraved heart of a false teacher can the thought of being controlled by the eternal truths of God be considered such anathema. This is not about the carnal sloppy agape love Vallotton speaks about here. The true love of God does not allow me to let someone like Kris Vallotton continue to lead people to hell. Beloved we do not need a new wineskin. We are the wineskin God has chosen to pour the new wine of His gospel into. We just need to believe it, protect it from wolves like Kris Vallotton and make sure it is prominently displayed over the door of our churches and our hearts.
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Reverend Anthony Wade - November 21, 2017