"We have failed to realize that Jesus founded the Women's Liberation Movement.He taught women, spoke to them publicly, protected them from the religious community and empowered them to minister. After many years of research, I am convinced that there are four basic reasons why men and women are not empowered equally in the Church.
1. The devil hates women even more than he hates men because the curse that God pronounced over the SERPENT was that women would be hostile with the devil. Therefore, the spearhead of demonic warfare is focused on women.
2. Most men are insecure; reducing women helps them feel more powerful.
3. Many Christians have misunderstood the Bible with reference to women. Therefore, they don't want to violate their understanding of the Scriptures to empower women or be empowered as a woman.
4. As a people group, women tend to be less competitive than men, they are not "typically" fighters, they are prone to be more humble and gentle. Maybe this is because they gave birth to everyone on the planet. Men often mistake these attributes for weakness and believe women are not as qualified to lead. This results in women being promoted less frequently than men, or men purposely oppressing women." -- Kris Vallotton
Jesus founded the women's liberation movement? Of all the insane things Kris Vallotton has uttered over the years, and there have been plenty, this might be the craziest. I would go into more obvious detail but my sincere desire is that I would not have to. If you call yourself Christian and honestly believe that Jesus Christ started the women's liberation movement, then I fear for your salvation. As for the four offered reasons first we see that Kris has already topped the craziest statement with something crazier. So in his warped mind, Kris Vallotton honestly believes that more demonic warfare is focused on women than men? To support such nonsense he reads into the Genesis account that while the devil hates men he really hates women because of the curse? This is not theology beloved it is lunacy. The second reason offered is nothing but carnal pop psychology. I do not feel powerful by stating what God said. The third reason is hysterical since Kris offered not one bible verse to support his disobedience to Scripture. The fourth is more carnal reasoning. I understand that carnality is all Vallotton can fall back on since it is all he knows but it does not persuade me from obeying what God has said. He concludes:
"The moral of the story is this: we need women to rise up as matriarchs along side of our patriarchs in every realm of society so that God's full intention for the planet can be fulfilled. To all the women out there reading this: I want to apologize to you on behalf of anyone who has oppressed you, made you feel less-than or taken away your voice. We need you to rise up and be who God created you to be! You are valuable in the body of Christ, and if we're missing you we are missing half of God's attributes! To all the men out there reading this: It is our responsibility to take a place of respect and empowerment towards the women in our lives. I want to encourage you to cut out any insecurity that may be leading you to hold the females in your life down. Let's be their biggest cheerleaders! Where do you stand on this issue? How do you see yourself being a part of the solution to this broken part of society and the church?" -- Kris Vallotton
First of all the brokenness in the church over this issue is that most churches disobey God and have female pastors and leaders over men. Where do we stand Kris? We stand with Almighty God and what He has instructed. It is nothing but unmitigated arrogance to think that God cannot fulfill His full intention without the help of women -- or for that matter men! To all of the men out there I would just counsel that this should be a point of love and obedience not strife and conflict. We do not lord over women and if at the end of the day some refuse to follow what the Lord as said, well it wouldn't be the first time now would it? To all of the women out there in the body of Christ, do not let charlatans like Kris Vallotton fill your ears with how nice and shiny that fruit looks. Do not let them distract you from what God has instructed. You are needed and valuable in the body exactly as God has ordained. You should not feel less than for following the Word of God. It is not about your voice. It is always and only about His.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- February 26, 2018