Maybe you should not have made children and mothers come to your center during the worst hurricane in decades Jenny. You bought food for people? What do you want a medal? Glad you were able to squeeze out a few bucks from everything you have stolen from these people to by them some Kit Kats when you guilted them into almost dying. Only someone as evil as Jenny Weaver would conclude that people speaking the truth about her are sick and wicked. I am a witch for saying correctly that she is a huckster and a fraud who endangered the lives of everyone she pretends to minster to? I wear that as a badge of honor, just like when Darren Wilson called me a troll or Dr. Michael Brown ambushed me on his radio show. Freud had a great term for what Weaver is doing here and it is called projection. She is sick and wicked and needs to be straight up rebuked. She has been pretending to be a Christian since she got out of jail. I take no joy in saying any of the truth spoken about her but my concern is for the sheep. My concern is for the next wave of people she will rip off. I certainly was not praying for anything bad from the storm but am I glad that her phony revival center is damaged throughout? You're darn right I am. I hope it never reopens because there is nothing but evil heresy spread there that leads people away form Christ while Weaver laughs all the way to the bank.
Reverend Anthony Wade - October 10, 2024