How truly sad beloved. This is the end result of following false teachers and snake oil salesmen. Psalm 91 is not given to us by God so that we can act biblically moronic and foolish. She is reckless and careless because Weaver taught her to be. What happens if her home is not protected? What happens to her faith if she survives? If God just magically send angels to protect us, why take any precautions in life at all? Tornado coming? Haver a bar-b-q! Dangerous wildfires? Break out the marshmallows! That is not faith beloved. It is stupidity and arrogance. If you can get out of the path of Hurricane Milton, do so now. Do not listen to hucksters like Jenny Weaver. There is nothing spiritual about being an idiot. I would say that Jenny Weaver should be ashamed but that is clearly not possible.
Reverend Anthony Wade - October 7, 2024