Yet there we stand sometimes. Saved yet walking in our past.
Delivered yet bound all the same. You must note that Jesus does not say He will
come to you. You must come to Him. You must make a decision for Christ. You
must also note that Jesus does not say, "I will give you my yoke"; He says you
must take it. You must make a conscious decision to be yoked to Christ instead
of the yoke of your past. You can be saved and never understand the victory you
are supposed to walk in. God does not want you circling the same mountain over
and over again; He wants you to move that mountain with your faith! He does not
want you going through life just trying to keep your head above water; He wants
you walking on the water! Too often we take care of the first part, we come to
Christ but we have a more difficult time with the second imperative, taking His
The prophetic promise in Nahum 1: 13 applies to our lives
today as well. The prophet Nahum was speaking to Judah
about their enemy, Nineveh.
The city of Nineveh
was the capital city of the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrians had already
destroyed Israel and now Judah was under
threat as well. The Assyrians were renowned for their aggression and brutality.
In one of Judah's most fearful
moments, Nahum prophesies the destruction of Nineveh. The very name Nahum means comfort. He comforted Judah in this verse by prophesying that God will
break the yoke of Nineveh
from off their necks and tear their shackles away. The Assyrians and Nineveh represented oppression for Judah. They
represented fear for Judah.
They represented pain and suffering for Judah. But God told them that He
was going to take that oppression, fear, pain and suffering away from them. He comforted them.
He wants to comfort you too today. God is telling you that
the yoke you have been tied to He is willing to break from around your neck. God
does not want you yoked to the Nineveh
of your past. He is wants to take your oppression and fear and leave it in your
past. He wants to take your pain and suffering and replace it with His yoke.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He wants you to learn from His yoke.
He wants you to learn trust and faith. He wants you to learn hope, comfort and
love. Too many Christians have the assurance of salvation but are shackled to
their pain. They are shackled to their fear. God is comforting you today. Take
His yoke and leave the shackles of your past in your past. There is a future
God has saved you for. Step into it today in Jesus name!
So if the Son sets you free, you will be
free indeed. John 8:36
Anthony Wade April 28, 2008
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