This is so ridiculous. The notion that Jenny Weaver is concerned about manipulation and sound doctrine is the ultimate form of gaslighting. She has taking the art of apostate church grifting to new heights that has probably impressed LeClaire. Weaver has figured out how to fleece an absurd monthly income from people. The core grift for Jenny Weaver is ironically enough called "the core." This appears as a reasonably priced mechanism for generating a base revenue for the grifter. For $20 per month, each core member gets full access to whatever material, podcasts, teachings, prayer and other nonsense, that Jenny produces. She sells this as her personally mentoring you. This may seem like a small time con until you see that they now boast 13,000 core members. If true, that is an established $260,000 per month that Jenny has set up for herself, which may explain how the Internet has her net worth in the millions of dollars so far. This scam is brilliant because most people will rationalize that it is only twenty bucks but it is set up as a recurring payment so as long as they like the material, she keeps getting paid, 13,000 times per month. From this, Weaver can launch other money-grubbing initiatives, similar possibly to what LeClaire has done. So far, we see Weaver has her own school of ministry coming. Can't wait to see what she charges for that.
Jennifer LeClaire and Jenny Weaver warning us about false prophets is like Jeffery Dahmer warning us about serial killers. It just does not pass the smell test. Perhaps LeClaire is distracted because of that darn sneaky squid spirit that keeps stalking her. I once had a rogue lobster spirit crank calling me for a month. It was so spiritually unsettling. In all seriousness, Weaver and LeClaire are very dangerous because so many people are falling for these scams. God has revealed all things prophetic and otherwise in His word. There is not something that He forgot and is now asking Jenny Weaver to reveal but only to those willing to send her 20 bucks every month. He is not asking Jennifer LeClaire to release angels of abundant grifting, I mean harvest, but only to those who buy her book. This article was designed solely to eliminate some of their competition because there is a gaggle of false prophets floating around now sucking the money they are trying to steal away from them. Mark and avoid beloved. Save your money. Go have some sneaky squid scampi, in Jesus name.
Reverend Anthony Wade - July 17, 2024