Then they got them, they surrounded them, and they ignited their vest, and they took out everybody. When this happened, it was a massive crater in the dirt, in the ground, and all the buildings were completely wiped out, and they tried to get as close as they could to the capital. I saw them trying to get as close as they could to the capital, to major landmarks of Washington, DC." - Brandon Biggs
Once again, very specific. The article points out that it was already reported that a major amount of material used for this kind of act has gone missing, something Brandon Biggs could have easily read about and I assume he did. The bottom line however is that this prophecy comes with a very short timeline, as the inauguration is only three days away. If there are not these specific occurrences come Monday, then we can be assured that Brandon Biggs is as false as he has always been. He did however try to hedge his bets:
"We pray against this for what I've seen coming. That's our job. I pray protection over your families. I pray protection over our President, over the capital of America. We pray for the White House. We pray for all kinds of things because this was very dark what they were trying to do." - Brandon Biggs
Wait. Is this a prophecy of something that is coming to pass or not? Our job is to pray against it? To pray against what God has already said is going to happen? That doesn't make any sense. Does God need us somehow to thwart these evil plans? If we do not pray, is God then not going to relent? What kind of capricious God does Brandon Biggs serve? Beloved, do not fall for this grift. Biggs is parlaying his shot in the ear prediction, which admittedly was pretty close and spooky, into the pretense that he is given visions from God. As if God forgot to reveal things in His word and now need Biggs to tell us. Understanding what he is saying however reveals the silliness of all this. Let's play along for a moment. So, God, who sees all time, knows already what is going to happen with this fertilizer plot. For some reason, He chose to share this with Brandon Biggs, to share with the body of Christ. For what purpose? For us to pray as Biggs says? Why? Is God only going to stop this from happening if we pray enough? If we do not, He will let it occur, killing untold numbers of people? Not even including the 10-magnitude earthquake, which is not a "thing." Is it for a warning? No. It is a promotion. The only person that stands to gain from this is Brandon Biggs, assuming it comes to pass. When prophets in the bible warned the people, it was for their benefit. God was warning them to get right with Him, repent, and stop worshipping false idols. There is none of that in the prophelies of Brandon Biggs. There is just the "booga-booga! Just like the false Trump prophecy however, Biggs has given too much information. He did not learn from professional liars like Benny Hinn. The intricate details he gave in the Trump prophecies betrayed him then and the same pattern will betray him now. Do you know why?
God will not be mocked.
Reverend Anthony Wade - January 17, 2025