"A second doesn't go by when someone is posting a lie about me personally. On the other hand, people are watching and people are asking questions and that's good and that's healthy so there is kind of an automatic accountability that is coming up now and rather than running form it we should embrace it. Where we are being falsely accused the record can be set straight and when there is something valid let's address it. The goal is not to please destructive critics who are not going to hear a good word that we say and will never believe our repentance. The goal is to honor and please the Lord and minister to the rest of the body that is watching and is hurting, that has questions, that is looking for integrity and we have to bring forth fruits worthy of repentance. We should live lives that are above reproach. Let's live in the light. It is painful and difficult but ultimately for the good." - Dr. Michael Brown
Ahh, and the airing of personal grievance continues for Brown. No one is lying about Dr. Michael Brown. We use his own words. I do not need to lie because his own words betray him. Why in a discussion about Benny Hinn is he interjecting the possibility of being falsely accused? Yes, we are to live lives above reproach so where is the proper criticism for Benny Hinn, who has clearly NOT done this? The issue is not the level of destructiveness in the criticism but rather the truth regarding them. Once again, when asked about Hinn, Dr. Brown talks about discernment ministries. Discernment ministers were not the ones waiving their suit coat like it was magic to falsely heal people. We were not the ones lying about prophecy or robbing people of their money in the name of God. When you say we should live in the light but perpetuate the darkness of Benny Hinn, your disingenuousness is transparent.
"I think heresy hunters have a value in the body of Christ but when there's this constant negativity that you are referring to it can be very very destructive - what do you think." - Steven Strang
Once again, Strang frames his question to elicit the answers he truly wants. He pays lip service to discernment, using the pejorative term heresy hunters, but bemoans "constant negativity." This is of course absurd. When Benny Hinn cheated people out of their hard-earned money - that was negative, not someone pointing it out. When Hinn pretended to hear from God and wrecked someone's faith - that was negative, not someone pointing it out. The consistent theme from Strang, Dr. Brown and Charisma is to always side with the wolf and never be concerned about the sheep. Let us be clear. Rooting out false doctrine, fake healing, and hucksters fleecing the flock is not negative. It is biblically required. It heals the body of Christ. It is not destructive. Read the key verses above beloved. It is false prophets and false teachers, such as Benny Hinn, who bring in destructive heresies into the body! The world looks at fraudsters like Hinn and the way of truth is blasphemed! This notion that properly documenting what is false can be destructive is pure bunk and found nowhere in the bible. Here was Brown's answer:
"Yeah, that's why I said there is destructive criticism and constructive criticism. Sometimes constructive criticism can come from a destructive critic. But I do question those whose so called ministry is to expose error, because it tends to be selective. In other words they will normally do it in the camp they do not agree with instead of starting in their own camp. To me if you are really going to have a discernment ministry, start in your own life, then start in your own camp. That is why many of the books I have written deal with sin in my own camp. The Charismatic church. So, let's clean house here. In some cases it is straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel. If I am attacked for doing good, I rejoice. If I get slandered and maligned, my wife and I smile about it. But if I do something foolish, let's say God forbid I got nasty with a caller, that would be grievous to me. I would have to fix that immediately and publicly and try to reach out to that person and say that was wrong of me, that was not Christ-like. If I wrongly prophesied that Trump was going to have eight straight years in the White House, that is a grievous thing. How did I get it wrong? You better believe I am going to zip it and not just go on with the next prophecy. The next month and really try to get to the bottom of it - how did I get deceived etc." - Dr. Michael Brown
This is the latest schtick from Dr. Brown. First of all, let us deal with the nonsense that he takes on his own camp. He doesn't. What he does is he correctly points out many heretical teachings but then never applies it to any of his friends in the industry. That makes it all but useless. A perfect example is Joseph Prince. The only book Brown ever wrote that I am aware names names is the one on hyper grace and Prince was the name. I would give him total credit for finally being brave but then he flew to Singapore to meet the wolf and find common ground. So, when people properly criticize Brown for being a gatekeeper of false doctrine he points to his book on hyper grace and pretends he called out sin in his own camp. He just leaves out the part where he then had supper with the sin and found agreement. By the way for the record, Brown tribes off Charismania and sets cessationism/Calvinism as the "other camp." I am on record writing against the false theology of both cessationism and Calvinism. Those camps however do not have a media cesspool like Charisma News. Note here also the built in defense Brown has erected in his life to prevent any recognition of personal error. Anyone who criticizes him from outside his camp, which is the only place such critique would come, is automatically dismissed and laughed at. Way to grow Doc. It is sad that being nasty with a caller to a talk radio show would be grievous to him yet defending wolves is sacrosanct. Lastly here, note the central flaw to Charismatic views of prophecy. If someone prophesied, meaning they claim God told them, Trump would get eight straight years then they did not "get it wrong." God does not stutter. It means they lied, and they are false and they are not a prophet - period. Brown finishes this answer:
"So yes heresy hunting is dangerous in many ways and often is not even handed, does not use equal weights and measures, strains out a gnat to swallow a camel and often it is nasty, mean spirited and destructive and lacking in love and lacking in brokenness but the big problem in the Charismatic church is not heresy hunters but rather the lack of accountability." - Dr. Michael Brown
Only in the twisted Charismatic mind of Dr. Michael Brown can a wolf devouring sheep for forty years be characterized as making mistakes while those who cite the errors be considered nasty, mean-spirited and destructive. Wow. Do not lose sight of what Dr. Brown and Strang are advocating here. The love that is lacking according to them is for Benny Hinn, not for his victims. Brown then he goes back to discussing Hinn, who this interview was supposed to be about. He states that Hinn repented of his little gods heresy and the Jesus suffered in hell theology. Brown claims Hinn never taught these again. His history is so false I do not need to even corroborate this. He then states that Hinn repented of the prosperity gospel in 1993 but went on with the same flock fleecing until 2019 when he repented again, but then went on with the same flock fleecing. Brown states that he is not here to beat Hinn up, but people want fruit with repentance. So, in the very same sentence, Brown condemns Hinn and then exonerates him. How someone as learned as Dr. Brown cannot see the rank hypocrisy he speaks is staggering. If someone says they repent in 1993 but continues for another 26 years while building an empire worth 50 million dollars while doing so and then claims to repent again but continues doing so again, why are you not beating him up? Where is your concern for all the people's lives he destroyed? Where is your concern for the people who lost their savings or their house while Hinn jets around from mansion to mansion? You are darn right it is a lack of accountability and the person spearheading the lack is Dr. Michael Brown.