"2. Taking ownership of discipleship. Another critical lesson from this election is that Gen X (ages 45-64) played a decisive role in the outcome, shifting the election with a remarkable 10-point swing. The call is clear: We, as the generation of mature believers, must rise to the occasion becoming spiritual mothers and fathers to the next generation. We must take ownership of discipleship in our families and our churches, and we must become leaders in our communities. The other generations need us to be who we are called to be. This is not just a call for political action; it is a spiritual imperative. In 1 Corinthians 4:14-16, Paul urges us to imitate him as he imitates Christ. This is not just a call to discipleship but also to leadership. We are to be spiritual guides, mentors and protectors for the generations coming behind us. Specifically, Gen Z needs our wisdom, our faith and our example." - Bunni Pounds
There is a great rebuke from Jesus to the teachers of His day. He said that they travel the world to make a single convert and in doing so they make him twice the son of hell that they are! Forget about taking ownership of discipleship Bunni. You need to give ownership of your doctrine to God first. Stop chasing carnal idols and political bags of thirty silver pieces. You think demanding the votes of Christians for a convicted rapist is "imitating Christ?" Her abuse of this scripture is absolutely staggering. This verse has absolutely nothing to do with politics or leadership in politics. It has nothing to do with leadership either. In fact, if she had bothered to approach the bible to properly divide the word instead of serve her carnality, she would realize that 1Corinthians 11:1 more properly belongs with the preceding text that finished the previous chapter. I have made those scriptures the key verses above. Remember that the chapter divisions were not added until thousands of years after the scriptures were written. So, reviewing the key verses we see that Paul is speaking about building people up, not seeking our own good, looking after the good of our neighbor - the polar opposite of the political platform Bunni Pounds insists are a Christian imperative. These key verses also teach us to not burden the lost with our religiosity, as Pounds is known to do through her political idolatry. How does the chapter conclude? Why does Paul teach this? So that many might be saved! Not for his own advantage! That is what he is referring to when he says imitate me as I imitate Christ. Because Bunni Pounds and the NAR cannot see their own idolatry, they think that imitating Christ means to aspire to political leadership. How disgusting.
"3. Embrace authenticity in a culture of deception. The election revealed something profound: People are hungry for authenticity. Even with imperfections in our candidates, voters gravitated toward those who were real and transparent. The new media landscape has furthered this shift, as "truth-tellers-- though imperfect"gained the trust of the people. As Christians, we must ask ourselves: Are we living authentically? Can people see our integrity, both in public and private? Another question for us is this: Are we seeing through the deceptions around us and seeking out authentic leadership even though imperfect? Second Peter 2:17-22 warns against the deceptions of false teachers with empty promises and empty words. In a world filled with deceit, it is essential that we, as Christians, embody the truth and remember that our witness matters. The world is watching, and authenticity is one of the most powerful tools we have in sharing the gospel." - Bunni Pounds
This is hysterical. Authenticity in a culture of deception? Donald Trump told over 30,000 lies in his first presidency. He told the Haitian pet eating lie in a nationally televised debate. He is the literal embodiment of the culture of deception, yet Pounds cannot see it because he has the little "r" next to his name. The people she fancies as truth tellers are anything but and she knows it. They confirm her bias, so they are cool. See your integrity? Is she serious? Is it living authentically to lie over and over again and tell people they are going to hell if they vote democratic or even if they were not going to vote at all? She is writing this article on Charisma News! Does she honestly think that Charisma embodies the truth? The world is watching Bunni! That is why 40 million people have left the church in the last 25 years! They see this gaslighting for what it is. You defend the most corrupt liar in the history of politics, pretend he is the second coming of King Jehu, and consign to hell anyone who will not vote for him and THEN lecture about integrity, honesty and our witness for Christ? You have no authenticity, Bunni. You have no integrity. You need to hear the gospel. Not the gospel of the Republican Party mind you, but the gospel of the Jesus you have yet to actually meet.
"4. Spiritual change Is at the heart of civic engagement. What sets Christians Engaged apart from other political organizations is our focus on spiritual transformation over electoral victories. While we do seek to influence the political landscape, our primary goal is revival, a deep, lasting awakening that begins in our hearts. We must not just talk about revival; we must live it. Psalm 85:1-13 speaks of God's desire to restore us, to bring peace and righteousness to our land. Revival is not just about external change; it is about internal transformation. If we want revival in our families, churches and communities, it must start within us. We must return to the simplicity of walking with Jesus and living out our faith in every area of life." - Bunni Pounds
This sure sounds nice and pious but the only way we get to this NAR vision of revival is by voting for Republicans. That's it. Doesn't matter who they are. Doesn't matter what they have done. Grab women by their genitals? Hey we aren't voting for a pastor in chief! Convicted of rape and 34 other felonies? Don't judge! Psalm 85's peace and righteousness are not achievable by defending the indefensible. True spiritual change has NOTHING to do with civic engagement except for preaching the gospel. The problem for Pounds and the NAR is they pay lip service to the things of Christ and His gospel but their actions reveal the idolatry they cannot see. It is easy to say, shucks, we just have to walk with Jesus! Yet this article stands next to articles on Charisma today promoting TD Jakes, Isaiah Saldivar, the heretical series The Chosen, and Cindy Jacobs representing 60 other false prophets. She is not walking with Jesus to begin with. She is selling her politics and pretending that it's all about Jesus. Be not deceived.
"5. The church must be strengthened for the challenges ahead. One troubling trend is the seeming slight decline in evangelical voter participation. Born-again evangelicals now make up only 22% of the electorate, down from 26% in 2016. Though we saw growth in Christians voting in the Catholic communities, Pentecostal and charismatic churches, Black and Hispanic populations and even Gen Z males shifting to a more conservative stance, we saw decline in the white evangelical Bible-believing voters overall running to the polls. Despite major victories for the pro-life communities like the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many Christians did not turn out to vote in the numbers many hoped for. It seems clear that many in the church still have trouble making political decisions, not understanding that every vote is not for perfect people but for better policies. Apathy still has a stranglehold on the body of Christ, and we have much more work to do." - Bunni Pounds
Ahh, the old "we are not voting for perfect people" nonsense. The actual translation of this faux-Christianese is "vote for the rapist." Look beloved, no one is suggesting perfect people because there is no such thing. We can have standards though. We do not have to have the world look at us sideways because we fawn over someone who is so clearly evil. Bunni Pounds and the NAR do not care who the church gets into bed with, as long as they are Republican. The truly profound disconnect here is the NAR notion that not voting or not voting for the Republican somehow equals "apathy" from Christians. The truth is exactly the opposite. It is the NAR and the false theology of people like Bunni Pounds that has a stranglehold on the body of Christ. Even the "major victories" have been nothing of the sort. The abortion rates have increased since Roe was overturned. Good job. Only the arrogance of the NAR dominionist thinks that someone choosing to not for their rapist in chief means they must be having trouble making political decisions. Mercifully, Pounds concludes: