"What I would say is this. I do not see how the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz profess to be Christians, that they are actually living out Christian values. They are both pro-death, anti-family and their policies are not commensurate with biblical worldview. On the other side, we do at least know that JD Vance by all accounts is a believer in Jesus Christ, is a Christian and does hold to a biblical worldview. So, you are 0 for 2 and here we at least have one guy who is on team Jesus, is going to open the bible, pray and have some understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide him. All other things being equal I would say not only look at the policies also look at the person who seems to have the only functional relationship with God and if you are a Christian, that is your choice." - Lawbreaker Mark Driscoll
So, it has now come to attacking people's faith to try and achieve your goals? Tim Walz is a Lutheran. Has been his entire life. Harris is a Baptist that is married to a Jewish man. She has stated that reading the bible in her youth is what led her into politics because she read about a God who defended the rights of the poor and needy. Am I saying that they are zealous? No, because I do not know them. Do you know who else does not know them? Mark Driscoll. The biblical worldview reference is again, straight up NAR dominionism. It is code-speak for vote Republican because that is the only true goal here. What Driscoll employs here is the same tired old scheme the NAR always uses. Because their perceived political enemies do not openly advocate for establishing as theocracy, they apply their criticisms of that to their personal lives. They are not living out Christian values? Who the hell do you think you are? Was it living out Christian values when you packed up your U-Haul in the dark of night to avoid being disciplined for your arrogant and abusive behavior? Were you living out your Christian values when you stole the money to falsify your book sales? Is it living out your Christian values to have six bankruptcies and be convicted of rape? This is laughable. Harris and Walz have both been married once, not three times, I might add.
Notice here that Driscoll never tries to defend the guy who he is saying you have to vote for! Instead, he tries to pretend that JD Vance is somehow running for president. Vance however was an atheist. He converted to Catholicism, not Evangelicalism, only in 2019, conveniently as his political life was starting to require the illusion of faith. The reason he gave for the conversion was he liked that the Catholic Church was really old and that "he looked for a philosophy that incorporated doubt, embraced scientific advancements like the theory of evolution and also came from somewhere more ancient." Yeah, that sounds like a guy who is being led by Jesus. Catholics also, rarely read the bible. I know, I was raised Catholic. Mark Driscoll has no idea if JD Vance prays or even believes in prayer. He married a Hindu and one of his marriage ceremonies was officiated by a Hindu priest. I am not being critical of that just pointing out the deception of portraying Vance as "on team Jesus." The only two people who seem to have a functional relationship with God are Harris and Walz. Driscoll is saying they do not for political reasons not how they actually live their lives. Mark says we must look at the person and I say let's do just that. Does the guy who holds the bible upside down and refer to Second Corinthians as "two Corinthians" sound like a person with a functional relationship with God? Who thinks he does not need forgiveness? Who has the extensive criminal record already discussed? Look, vote for who you feel led to but for someone as compromised as Mark Driscoll to demand votes for someone as compromised as Donald Trump as a Christian imperative is simply pathetic.
"Now, that being said, the issue is really family. Are we going to encourage marriage. Are we going to encourage parenting. Are we going to encourage fathers. Or are we going to murder children and then have government raise them? If you are Christian just think about that." - Mark Driscoll
OK Mark, I have thought about this. So, the issue is family and therefore we have to vote for the guy who has three different families? The guy who told his nephew that he should let his disabled child die? When you say encourage marriage do you mean having three marriages? Two divorces? Three times unfaithful including once with a porn star? When you say encouraging parenting does that include make lewd comments about your own daughter and how you would like to date her? Or do you mean sneaking into dressing rooms in a Teen Pageant to catch the underage girls undressed? By the way, I am relatively sure that even the government is not advocating for murdering children and then raising them. This is all Driscoll has at the end of the day however, as is the case with all NAR dominionists. They throw a bunch of accusations and judgment against the wall in the hopes something sticks and then return as always to abortion. Except since Roe was overturned, abortions have increased, good job. Meanwhile, women are being killed by anti-abortion laws and the NAR is ghostly silent on it. If you think God was pleased that we allowed Amber Thruman to die from organ failure while her doctors watched her suffer for hours, unable to save her life because of legal concerns, then you need to stop pretending you are a Christian. Let me finish with one last snippet from this insane video from Mark Driscoll:
"Do you honestly believe there is anything the government can do efficiently or more efficiently than a family? At the end of the day, I am a grandpa. You know what? If our kids need childcare, I'm in. Cause I'm grandpa. And Grandma is in. when we remove the need for the family, we are dishonoring God, we are enlarging government and we are devastating generations and we are creating dependency because what we are telling children is you have no value, we will kill you and if you do live, from birth onward, you need to be dependent on the government. They are going to run your daycare. They are going to educate you. They are going to feed you. They are going to house you. Then one day they are going to employ you because we are going to wind up working for the government. I don't know about you. If you think that the government is the solution you should vote Democrat if you think that the government is the problem, you should vote Republican. That's all I got for now." - Huckster Dominionist Mark Driscoll
Then you got nothing Mark. Debating the size of government is a great political discussion but it has nothing to do with Christ. Is working for the government now unchristian? I hope not because I work for a local government and I am willing to bet I have helped a lot more people in my life than Driscoll ever has. Let's however address the absolutely tone-deaf garbage he spews here about childcare. He got this insulting talking point from his buddy JD Vance I might add. The reason why JD and Mark are so cavalier about using grandparents for childcare is because they are millionaires. JD is worth around 10 million from his days of being a venture capitalist and Mark is worth about 2.5 million dollars, which he stole from fleecing the flock. So, it is easy to say when you are sitting on piles of cash that grandparents should handle childcare responsibilities but in the real world, that just does not happen much. Many grandparents are also working and are not available for such duties, as much as they may want to. Many grandparents are also not necessarily alive or even living in the same states as their grandchildren. Many times, people need to get childcare and yes Mark, it would be nice if the government ensured that this was provided and safe. Yes, there are many things that government can do better than a single family, simply based on resources alone. Is Driscoll now saying that the government has no role in education? Is he crazy? By the way, when the crazy Trump states do education, like Florida, they teach black kids that slavery was good and the slaves learned transferable skills. Insulting, racist, and stupid. Should the government not ensure that people are fed or not homeless? This is the abject arrogance of people who are filthy rich but the sad thing is when they wrap themselves up in Jesus. As if He was not entirely about protecting the poor and needy, as Kamala Harris learned from reading the bible. Having the government help poor people does not dishonor God, you ghoul. Do you know what teaches a child they have no value? When they have no food or shelter and no one is trying to help them.
Mark Driscoll should shut up and go back into his obscurity of fleecing the flock and pretending he is a pastor and not a fugitive from Christian justice. The punch line is this is all because he has a new book about voting that he is trying to push, so he can rip more cash out of the hands of his sheep. Vote for whoever you feel led beloved. Pray and vote or abstain if you so choose. Jesus is not going to be standing at the Pearly Gates with your voting record in his hand. Even if He did, the notion that we would be held accountable for not voting for someone like Donald Trump is biblically moronic. Driscoll is breaking the law here but he does not care because he knows he will not be held accountable by the very government he rails against. His accountability however, will come later when he stands before Christ and answers for all of the people he is leading to hell.