Beloved in conclusion let me state as always these writings are God speaking to me first. I do not take any lofty position above you. I too fall prey to the sheer carnality of human politics. I too forget to consider my witness at times. I try to not defend evil but rather stand up for the truth. That means of someone is lying about either candidate; I want to be found on the side of the truth. There is a law called the Johnson Amendment that prohibits churches from endorsing or preaching for one candidate or another in exchange for enjoying a tax exempt status from the government. Most Christian leaders hate this law and would love to see it repealed. We should cringe if it ever does. I do not want my pastor preaching about Hillary or Donald when he is supposed to be preaching about Jesus Christ. I have said it before and I will say it again. We are on the Titanic beloved. The ship is going down. Jesus is coming back soon. We have between now and then to redeem the time with those on the outside of salvation looking in. There is no presidential candidate that will change that or stay the coming wrath. So instead of arguing over who would be best to captain the sinking vessel, we would be using our time far more wisely to be pointing them to the life boat while there is still time. Trump and Clinton are not the life boat. Jesus Christ is. I have to remind myself of this fact every day. It is the Gospel stupid.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- October 1, 2016