In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed. -- 2Peter 2: 3 (NLT)
The above link is to a 20 minute "teaching" by false prophetess Jennifer Leclaire, from Charisma News. Leclaire has garnered quite the reputation for prophesying the absolutely ridiculous and bizarre and for creative new ways to fleece God's flock of their hard earned money. She is the originator of the "sneaky squid spirit" and the recent $69 teaching on how to drown male mermaids; I kid you not. Her prophetic lunacy is only surpassed by her brazen attempts to make money from it. She operates a school of prophets where she teaches people to be false prophets. Now the school itself is only $397 per year but if you want the Diamond Package which includes and "immersion weekend" then the price tag jumps to $697. For a paltry $897 you get the Platinum Package, which includes 90 minutes of personal coaching! Not too shabby! But maybe you feel as if that is not enough. I mean what if people do not buy your false prophecy shtick? What if you needed some false prophet street cred? Jennifer's got your back too! You can join her network of false prophets and come under her "covering" through the Ignite Network! Tier Three Ignite is a measly $127 per month! Tier Four is apparently so ridiculous she could not bring herself to tell us the price on her website; you have to register to find out.
But wait! There's more! Jennifer has been led to start a "company of scribes." This is for aspiring authors to purchase the $100 per month Gold Package and learn from Jennifer all of her writing secrets. Never mind that scribes in the Bible were not "authors." Why let a little old thing like the Bible stop us from making some cash? Without belaboring the point much further there is also a course on learning the secrets of best-selling Christian authors for $697 and yes, Jennifer counts herself as one of those authors. For $397 you can purchase the course on spiritual warfare and for $197 you can be mentored in prayer and intercession. Jennifer runs all of these schools out of a little hotel room at the Fort Lauderdale airport Holiday Inn.
It seems God had Jennifer in mind when He wrote the key verse today regarding false prophets. In their greed they will make up clever lies to get a hold of your money. Other translations say they will make merchandise of you and that is exactly what Jennifer Leclaire is doing. She is not satisfied however with these schemes and her latest kick is regarding an office she made up called the seer. According to the Bible there is not much difference between a prophet and seer except a seer is given dreams and visions by God. Here is the biblical disconnect however. Prophecy is a gift for the body of Christ and the prophet is an office. Nowhere is there any mention of seer. We have dreams because we are alive, not because God gives them to us (although He could). What Jennifer is claiming here is that she can develop within you, a gift that does not even exist, for an office that has never existed, for only $330 per year. This is the woman wholeheartedly endorsed by the way, by Dr. Michael Brown. So Jennifer's "new initiative" is called the "Company of Seers." Let me try to highlight the lowlights from just a portion of this video presentation:
"I have been diving into this seer anointing for the past two years." -- JL
No Jennifer, you haven't. Do you know why? Because there is no such thing. You made it up in your wickedly deceitful heart to steal people's money. This set up however is at the heart of the pitch from Leclaire and her ilk. The hyper-charismatics have created their own language that sound pious and biblical but has no scriptural basis or depth. Is the word "anointing" in the Bible? Absolutely but it is not used in this fashion. We will see this develop more clearly as she continues to speak.
"The revelation in the Bible is progressive. What you dream about today may have one meaning for this season and another for the next season" -- JL
No, the Bible is the final revelation from God. What Leclaire is trying to do is set up the premise that new revelation is constantly available for those who "press in." Nonsense. She needs to set up a foundation that all dreams are from God when the vast majority of them are not. I had friends once who wanted to move to Pennsylvania. They prayed and then all of a sudden all of the cars in front of them on the highway had PA plates! Hallelujah thank the Lord for confirmation! Except it wasn't confirmation. We lived in New York. Pennsylvania is next door. If you felt called to Nepal and suddenly all the cars had Nepalese tags -- then I might wonder what was going on!
"You don't have to be a seer to see into the spirit. There are levels of giftings." -- JL
Says no biblical text anywhere. What Jennifer is trying to do is stop those who automatically know they are not "seers" from tuning out. She is not talking about biblical revelation where the Spirit leads us into all truth. She is talking about making every dream a God- given significant event. To buttress this point she makes the erroneous claims that all believers can prophesy -- which is completely untrue. The spirit decides who will prophesy and when, not Jennifer Leclaire.
"God actually opened the seer realm to the donkey and he saw angels. That's what I am talking about. When you begin to look through the lens of a certain revelation that you receive. A certain anointing. A certain grace. A certain mission. A certain mandate. A certain calling. A certain commissioning. A certain mantle. You begin to see things you never saw before. They were there but now your eyes have come to a higher level of revelation, understanding, application, integration and impartation."- JL
Wow, looks like Jennifer reached into her Charismatic thesaurus and just threw it all against the wall hoping something would stick. Yes beloved, you too can have a mantle mandate mission calling commissioning anointing and a higher level of grace! All to see things like you've never seen them before! Once you open yourself up to these possibilities your eyes will come to a higher level of revelation, understanding, application and of course, impartation! All of this is available to you if the price is right!
That price is $330 per year to join Jenifer's company of fools; I mean seers. Why attribute that strange dream about falling uncontrollably to the bad Chinese food you had the night before when you can instead pretend God was secretly conveying to you that the mantle of Elijah is now falling upon you! Why settle for your tsunami dream explanation being a sense of loss of control when you can instead pretend God is teaching you how to drown water spirits and prepare sneaky squid in a nice creamy chipotle sauce? The bible says that because of hucksters like Jennifer Leclaire the way of the truth shall be blasphemed. That much is obvious and I did not even need to peek into the realm of the seer illegally.
Rev. Anthony.