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New Study Reveals The Damage of the Purpose Driven Church

So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. - 1Peter 5: 1-4 (ESV)

I have consistently said over the past few years that no one has done more damage to modern American Christianity than Rick Warren. I do not even mean his dealings with the ecumenical movement or the charges of supporting Chrislam. I am speaking about the Purpose Driven Church. This model has been taught to the new generation of pastors for several years now. It is a model that takes the worst elements of the Emergent Church movement and the Seeker Friendly philosophy and places them on steroids. It turns the bride of Christ into a harlot system by making the church a business and the pastor a CEO. It embraces secular leadership principles and reinforces carnal measurements of success as a barometer for spiritual accomplishment. It replaces "follow me as I follow Christ" with vision casting. It teaches pastors how to get rid of sheep that disagree. Not sheep that disagree doctrinally. The sheep who merely disagree with the model. This new model of churchianity refers to the unsaved as unchurched; a frightening distinction that reveals the true paradigm shift. Last year I wrote a devotional about the mindset of a purpose driven pastor when Rick Warren wrote an article for pastors advising them with tips to increase the chances of their Easter visitors coming back the following week. This is an excerpt from the Warren article:

Let them know about your next sermon series. Always either begin a sermon series on Easter or the next week--and make sure it's a series that meets the felt needs of an unchurched person. Yes, they need the gospel and a relationship with Christ. You and I both know that's their foundational need, but most people will come to your church because they have a need for friendship " want a better marriage " want to be a better parent " want to feel they're living a life of significance " or there may be some other need. When you do a series like that, let Easter visitors know in your letter. It'll give them a reason to come back to your church.

It will give them a reason to come back. How profoundly sad. This is however what the Gospel is reduced to in the purpose driven mindset. The arrogance and cruelty of purposefully withholding the Gospel from unsaved people when that might be their only chance to hear it is staggering in its sinfulness. I say this as a backdrop to the latest study released this month by George Barna, the most renowned researcher in Christianity. This two year study was focused on political issues but it also revealed the worrisome realities of the cumulative effect of the purpose driven mindset amongst the pastors in this country. When asked about church success the vast majority of pastors agreed on five areas that denote success to them. These five areas are:


Giving (money)

Number of Programs

Number of Staff

Square Footage (of facilities)

How sad indeed. Scour the New Testament and see if any of this is biblical. Let me save you the time. It is not. In the second chapter of the Book of Acts, God outlines His design for His church. We see how the early believers did it:

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. - Acts 2: 42-47 (ESV)

Who added to their number day by day? The CEO? The Apostles? No beloved. God added to their number day by day. Read this model and we discover that the church is supposed to be for believers. I heard a mega church pastor recently preach that the sheep are already fed so they should not come seeking food. That the church should be focused on preaching to the lost. Hear me very clearly - that is nonsense. God does not want His sheep to starve! That is the mega church-purpose driven mindset. That is the mindset where the pastor thinks he must figure out how to do God's job of adding to their number day by day. Since he must assume the job of the CEO, he no longer fills the role he was meant to fill - shepherd. Andy Stanley once preached that the word Shepherd should not longer be used! That is no longer culturally applicable! Beloved, this is a dangerous path we have started down. The word pastor means shepherd! It is the shepherd that is responsible for the vertical growth of the sheep, not the horizontal growth of the church. What about the lost preacher? What about them? We should still try to have them attend but recognize that it is the Holy Spirit that draws men; not the pastor. It is the Gospel that breaks yokes, not the sermon. I remember once when I was preaching someone asked me why I used so much Scripture and my answer simply was that there is nothing I can say to break any yokes in your life. Only Jesus has the words of eternal life. That is what the Bible says!

Our key verses today come from the Apostle Peter. He is writing to the various churches in Asia Minor who were suffering persecution. In these verses he is speaking to those in charge of the sheep. He is speaking to the pastors of his day. He reminds them that he is a fellow shepherd. He reminds them that there is a great partaking in glory still to come. He reminds them there is an unfading crown of glory awaiting their humble service to the King. He is encouraging them. I am encouraging you today. Come out from among them beloved. The primary message to pastors today in these verses is summed up quite simply - shepherd the flock. Do not worry about attendance, just faithfully preach the Gospel and those that will be drawn, will be drawn. Do not worry about giving because God will supply all of your needs. If your vision does not match your resources then there is a good chance it is not His vision. Do not worry about the number of programs for only one thing is necessary and Mary has chosen the good portion. Do not worry about the number of staff for God will not leave you unprepared. Do not worry about the size of your facility for even whitewashed tombs appear impressive until you realize they are filled with filth and dead men's bones.

You have a purpose if you have been called to shepherd. That purpose is to shepherd. Not out of compulsion but willingly for the glory of God. Not for shameful gain but eagerly for your King. Not being domineering over the sheep entrusted to you but by being an example to them. Exercise your oversight with fear and trembling, knowing that the Great Shepherd will soon appear again. Leave behind the carnal metrics and the empty philosophies of high sounding nonsense. You have a higher calling then that. You have a higher calling then being on TBN. You have a higher calling then speaking at Yankee Stadium. You have a higher calling than a 45,000 seat arena with waterfalls in the lobby. You have the call of heaven upon your shoulders:

Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. - Luke 15: 7 (ESV)

Few find the narrow gate that leads to eternal life. Few. Convincing people to come back to your church by telling them how significant their life is does not serve the King, the Kingdom, nor the lost. If you improve their marriage but they remain stumbling in the darkness you have done nothing. Your job is not to be their life coach. It is not to motivate them. It is not to teach them to help themselves. They can't help themselves anymore than you can. That is why we need a Savior. Not to save us from being a bad parent but to reunite us with our Father. Jesus asks that you be His herald. That you feed His sheep. He is the door - not you.

I exhort you to preach the Gospel. The crown of unfading glory awaits you.

Rev. Anthony.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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