But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. - 2Peter 2:1-3 (ESV)
SPIRITUAL WARFARE | Jennifer LeClaire Ministries International
"Father, I renounce the wild ass spirit." So starts the prayer for self-deliverance from Jennifer LeClaire, which can be found at the link above. You haven't heard of the wild ass spirit? Didn't Paul once cast out the wild ass spirit on one of his ministry trips? No? Perhaps the reason you never heard of it is that it doesn't exist. How can the woman who brought us the angels of abundant harvest get it so wrong? Because that is what she does for a living. She creates false spiritual teachings in her wickedly deceitful heart and then she packages it up and sells it to the apostate church. Remember this is the same woman who claimed she had a sneaky squid spirit stalking her. As if the sneaky squid spirit would waste any time on her!
So what is the wild ass spirit you might be asking? According to the "prayer" Jennifer offers up it is a spirit of anti-submissiveness and rejection of authority, that makes one buck and fight against leadership. It is when we dare to "want our own way" by refusing to yield to the leaders God has put in our lives. Apparently, it teams up with other fake spirits to ravish disobedient believers. Jennifer identifies the wild ass spirit to be akin to the spirit of chaos, foolhardy spirit, impetuous spirit, reckless spirit, self-willed spirit, unbridled spirit, and of course, wayward spirit. Thankfully we have such a great spiritual resource in LeClaire who teaches that all we have to do is command these sprits that do not actually exist to "loose us." Who knew? This leaves us of course with that fundamental Christian quagmire. Which side wins when we wield false powers of declaring and decreeing over spirits that do not actually exist? Sorry, that's just my own wild ass spirit kicking and bucking against spiritual insanity again.
In all seriousness, this garbage is why the way of the truth is blasphemed as outlined in the key verses. These verses were written about charlatans such as Jennifer LeClaire. False prophets bringing destructive heresies such as sneaky squids and wild ass spirits. You and I may look at these and laugh but countless others believe it as Gospel truth. Jennifer has even more believable entities like Dr. Michael Brown and Charisma News propping her up. In their greed they will exploit you with false words. If you do not think greed is her motivation just visit Jennifer's page. You can buy video lessons on how to drown marine demons. No I am not kidding. Do not lose sight of the fact that Jennifer fancies herself a pastor as well in Fort Lauderdale Florida. She is the sole source of "authority" in her church so it sounds as if someone is challenging her leadership. Fundamentally this wild-ass theory is just another attempt by a Charismaniacal leader to reinforce the false authority paradigm they believe in. As believers we are taught to test everything and hold on only to the good. That includes the teachings of those who may be in some level of authority over us. Blind submissiveness is what led to Jonestown.
There is a reason why God gave us the bible. Use it and we just may discover that what we are being taught is not scriptural. Maybe we will discover that the Calamari Queen can't really control legions of angels. Maybe we can discern that there is no such thing as a wild-ass spirit. Silly-ass spirit? Possibly. Dumb-ass spirit, most definitely. I digress.
Rev. Anthony.