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The NAR Cannot See They Are the Reason 41 Million Evangelicals Will Not Vote This Year

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"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)

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As Charisma News sees their carnal election dreams slipping away with every dark, unhinged post from their messiah, Donald Trump, they continue to ramp up the carnal political pressure disguised as Christian instruction. It gets tiring to have to continually cover this but these are the primary lies being sold to the church today and they deserve to be debunked. The above two links are from two more absurd articles appearing on Charisma today. The first is by James Lasher, a staff writer and the second is from the Con Man, Jonathan Con. I am only going to focus on the most egregious portions to save everyone time. So, let us reason once more together beloved. The article from Lasher is based on a new report from George Barna, who is obviously trying to affect the election by claiming with one month to go that 41 million Evangelicals will not vote this November and 32 million church attenders as well.

"Just how many Christians are choosing not to participate in choosing the leadership of the country in the 2024 election? According to Barna's newest report, a staggering 41 million "born-again Christians" and 32 million people who say they regularly attend a church. The faiths involved in the research include Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism and Islam and account for 104 million people who are not expected to cast a vote this November. That is such a large group of potential voters that it could swing the election one way or another. "I see two huge take-aways from this blockbuster report," says Len Munsil, President of Arizona Christian University in a press release. "First, that Christians could be the deciding factor in a bunch of federal and state races-and are choosing not to be. And second, that they are longing for their local church to instruct them on how to think biblically about policy and politics. "They don't want to be told how to vote, but they do want to know why they should vote, and how to view political issues from a biblical framework," he adds." - James Lasher

First of all, at least they are honest that this data is skewed by including all faiths. The larger point of course is the assumption that all of these million of voters are somehow expected to vote the same way. Instead of examining why so many Christians would sit out, they assign blame and guilt. The notion that Christians are dying for their pastor to instruct them how to view political issues is absolutely ridiculous. Most are smart enough to realize when they are being hoodwinked. They see how morally and spiritually compromised Mr. Trump is and they realize the rhetoric from the church does not line up. They realize he is not the second coming of King Jehu or King Cyrus, as Charisma has said. They remember how unchristian his first term was. They see the mixing of the profane with the holy. They see Charisma and NAR preachers claiming that you MUST vote for their candidate or face the fires of hell and they realize how false those teachings are. They realize that abstaining from voting, might be the most Christian thing they can do.

"For Christians, participating in the election process is not only a civic duty but also a spiritual responsibility. The Word of God instructs believers to engage with the world around them and act in ways that reflect their faith, not hide in the shadows. Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn." Voting allows Christians to be stewards of their influence in society, ensuring that leaders who align with biblical principles are chosen. By voting, we actively shape our communities in a way that honors God's justice, mercy and righteousness. The New Testament also commands believers to "let your light shine before men," (Matt. 5:16), and one way to do this is by participating in the electoral process and choosing candidates whose values align with biblical truth. Engaging in the election is a way to put faith into action, using our voice to promote godly leadership." - James Lasher

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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Submitted on Thursday, Oct 10, 2024 at 10:43:16 AM

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Spot on!

I am one of those 41 million who plan to stay home on November 5th for exactly the reasons you specified. As a two time Trump voter I can hardly stand it anymore. He has gotten worse since 2016 in every way.... physically, mentally, and in my opinion, spiritually as well. He is still steeped in Norman Vincent "Pealeism", the late "pastor" of the false church he was raised in. Paula White as a "personal pastor" during his time in office, and the church is silent while they swallow hook, line and sinker everything Fox News tells them... Unbelievable. Thank you for exposing the frauds from the "religious right" that Trump is clearly aligned with.

Submitted on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 at 2:30:07 PM

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