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Perry Stone & Mario Murillo Continue the Charisma News Pimping for Trump

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As I said a short while ago, Charisma News was going to begin their typical election season onslaught to try and dupe Christians into thinking their political masters are God's choice. This has been so difficult for them for many years now. In 2012, they had to convince the church that God wanted them to vote for a Mormon, despite Mormonism being a satanic cult. As if that was not bad enough, from 2016 on they have had to convince the church that God's choice was the three times married, three times unfaithful, sleeping with a porn star, six bankruptcies, convicted rapist and felon 34 other times guy. This Charisma deluge is well underway and there have been so many posts it is difficult to keep up and I will be forced to cram two from today into this one devotional. They come from disgraced false prophet and teacher Perry Stone and uber NAR dominionist Mario Murillo. Both links are above so let us reason once more together.

'In a recent video on his YouTube channel, evangelist Perry Stone presented a prophetic message drawing parallels between former President Donald Trump and the biblical figure King Nebuchadnezzar. Stone claims that Trump's experiences and potential future mirror the ancient king's journey, emphasizing God's divine plan at work. The key comparison revolves around Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a great tree that was cut down but a stump was left, symbolizing his temporary downfall and eventual restoration. Stone suggests that Trump's election loss and subsequent legal challenges represent a similar period of humbling. "My prediction was this: that the Lord had allowed President Trump to be removed, and there was going to be a great humbling of him, as there was with Nebuchadnezzar," Stone explains. Stone highlighted the parallels between the two leaders. Nebuchadnezzar, known for his grand empire and powerful rule, surrounded himself with strong Jewish advisors, much like Trump's close relationship with his Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner. "Both men built an empire before becoming president" Jared Kushner is Jewish and sat with Trump during closed-door meetings as an advisor," Stone notes. According to Stone, the seven years Nebuchadnezzar spent in exile are echoed in Trump's numerous legal battles. "If you begin to think about all of the legal problems that he's had, you can count seven of them," he pointed out. This period of trials is seen as a test designed to bring Trump to a state of humility before a potential return to power. Stone is confident that Trump's experiences will lead to a spiritual transformation in the former president, as well as a humbling before God not least after surviving the assassination attempt July 13. "He will be a much more humbled man and a man that understands God preserved me for a purpose," he asserted. Stone continues with a direct message to Trump, urging him to "stay very humble before the almighty God but stay strong before men. "Never, never give up what God Himself has put in your heart, and understand that there was a purpose and a reason that your life was spared."' - Charisma News

Now, I understand why Perry Stone would relate to Trump given the fact that 11 different women have accused him credibly of sexual assault and harassment, just as Trump has had 26 women accuse him over the years. That aside, what we see here is the plan of the NAR to try and convince Christians that Donald Trump is someone other than who he says he is. We saw this in the run up to the two prior elections. Trump was likened to King Cyrus by Charisma News. They said he had an Elijah mantle with a Deborah anointing. Initially there were people swearing he was saved and was just a baby Christian. This nonsense about Nebuchadnezzar is just the latest in the attempt try and apply something in the bible to Trump to give him an air of Christianity that is not supported otherwise. Hence the selling point that God is working some kind of divine plan through Trump, which of course will require your vote.

His offering of Jared Kushner as some sort of proof is bizarre as Kushner basically did nothing except enrich himself to the tune of two billion dollars from the Saudis, Lord knows in exchange for what. More bizarre is the notion that Trump has only seven legal problems. He has had six bankruptcies alone and was just convicted of 34 felonies. That does not even take into consideration the rape, defamation and the other three cases still pending. Beyond bizarre and into the territory of gaslighting is this assurance that Trump is being spiritually transformed. Did Perry not watch the unhinged convention speech? Is there even a scintilla of proof that he has been humbled? Please. Do not be duped beloved. None of this has any basis in reality. The Republican Party have given their marching orders to the apostate church leaders and that is what this message is all about. Don't believe your lying eyes! Believe Perry Stone, who probably belongs in jail, not cosplaying as a prophet. They know that they cannot rehabilitate his image, so they tell you not to worry, he is just like Nebuchadnezzar! God is working out a divine plan! Absolute nonsense. The second link is, which is far more horrific, is from Murillo.

"Former President Trump will need an even greater miracle now. His greatest threat will not be the new candidate. Democrats do not have a viable candidate. So what is the danger? The fury of the Left. Remember what happened in France? The conservatives won a great victory, but the Left stole it back. The liberals cannot bear to lose power. And now that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race, we will see the same thing here in America. A three-headed dragon is coming. Indoctrination, intimidation and"because it is "necessary-- criminal acts." - Mario Murillo

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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