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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/16/24

NAR Radio Host - Vote for the Rapist or be Cast into the Fiery Lake of Burning Sulfur

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Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; - 2Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV)

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One of the hallmarks of NAR dominionist teachings is the abuse of prophecy. We all remember with horror when the gaggle of false prophets all declared that God said Trump would win the 2020 election only to watch him lose spectacularly by seven million votes. Was God a little off that day? Was He unable to see what was going to happen? Of course not. What we had was a gaggle of liars pretending to hear from God. This is still happening today for the upcoming election but abusing prophecy can come in other forms as well. A popular scheme is to assign "prophetic significance" to random events that had nothing to do with God at all. Jonathan Con is infamous for doing this. The reality is that the politics of these charlatans is what drives their prophetic discoveries and not the other way around. It is always presented as if God is speaking rather than superimposing what they are trying to "Christianize" with the illusion of piety. Take the above linked article in consideration for this, from Paul McGuire, a self-described "prophecy expert," whatever that is supposed to mean. He has written 35 books and is a nationally syndicated talk show host, so he is not obscure. What he is though, is an obvious political shill whose solutions are always very simple - vote Republican. So, let us reason once more together beloved.

"Throughout history, God has chosen various methods to speak prophetically, sometimes even through unexpected sources, such as political leaders, nationally recognized people, feature films, current events and other means. President Donald Trump, though not a prophet, may be one of those vessels through which God speaks, delivering a message that resonates with the American people and particularly Christians in these turbulent times. During the July 13 assassination attempt near Butler, Pennsylvania, President Trump narrowly escaped what could have been a fatal blow. As he fell to the ground after the gunshots, he repeated a singular word several times: "Fight, fight, fight!" To many, this might have seemed like a simple rallying cry, but I believe it was something far more"a prophetic exhortation from God to the American people, especially Christians." - Paul McGuire

This is one of the biggest problems with the Charismaniacal NAR. It is the assumption that things that confirm their bias are automatically credited to God. Donald Trump MAY be one of those vessels God speaks through - Or maybe not. Probably not. The fact that something resonates with us does not mean it came from God. In fact, it is far more likely to not have come from God. This is just like the churchianity view of "confirmation." I had friends who once decide to move from New York to Pennsylvania. They said they prayed and then all of a sudden, they started seeing Pennsylvania license plates in front of them on the highway. That is not "confirmation" as much as it is confirmation bias. Pennsylvania license plates are not so uncommon on NY highways. If you were considering a move to Nepal and you started seeing Nepalese license plates, that would be odd but necessarily prophetic. I want you to consider the madness of what McGuire is saying here. God in his infinite wisdom and knowledge, apparently forgot to mention the need for the church today to "fight fight fight." To remedy this, He chose to use a man with 34 felony convictions, an adjudicated rapist, thrice married and unfaithful, including once with a porn star, to exhort the American church? Could God have done this? Absolutely, He is God. But would He? Not in a million years. It is prophetically moronic.

'The state of America's soul is on a precipice. A considerable portion of the Christian church has been indifferent, retreating from the call to defend truth and righteousness. The word "fight" is not about physical confrontation but standing up spiritually and morally in the face of evil. Revelation 21:8 reminds us of the gravity of cowardice and fear, sins that can lead to dire consequences for individuals and nations alike: "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars"they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."' - Paul McGuire

To be clear, the Christian church is not "indifferent" just because they disagree with your ridiculous political opinions. Remember that McGuire's is selling the notion of standing up to evil is to cast a vote for a man who openly brags that he can grab women by their genitals because he is famous. The more disgusting thing here is the statement that people who do not wish to vote as he does, are cowardly and fearful and even worse - will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur because of it. How vile. Revelation 21 has nothing to do with casting carnal political votes for any candidate. The cowardly here refers to those afraid to make any public declaration for Christ for fear of persecution. The notion that you are a coward if you choose to not vote for the guy with six bankruptcies and a penchant for having affairs with porn stars is beyond repulsive.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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So many things...

...Paul McGuire has said are reprehensible and worthy of comment and rebuttal, but I just wanted to point out this gem for a little levity:

"It is time the Christian church in America to ruthlessly examine their hearts and admit before God that they have been complicit in Satan's destruction of America."

With this kind of reasoning and blame, we can also conclude that the sinfulness and debauchery of Sodom and Gomorrah was the fault of Lot for being complicit with satan!

Does his lies and truth twisting know no bounds?!

Submitted on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 at 7:33:31 PM

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