Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. - Galatians 6:1-2 (ESV)
Charisma News ran an article today reflecting on four takeaways from an NAR dominionist summit held recently in Washington DC, linked above. The two names they drop to show how proud they are to be discussing this are Charlie Kirk, who is nothing more than a political provocateur, and Lance "seven mountains" Wallnau. I understand why these names may wow those who are under deception within the apostate church but their names show to sheer judgment the apostate church currently sits under. Wallnau and Kirk and first and foremost political operatives, who actively deceive the church and assist in leading millions of people down the broad path that leads to destruction. Kirk is the idiot who once famously said that pastors who refused to talk about politics were kissing the feet of their black congregants and Wallnau brags about being a Christian Nationalist. God does not do ugly beloved. He does not do racism, no matter how much you swear your racists comments are not racist. That aside, these two cancerous pustules on body of Christ headlined a leadership conference of all things. I guess in fairness, they are leaders of the apostate church and are leading people to hell. The above article outlines four takeaways from this summit, which we will review. The fourth is the worst but let's go in order.
"1. Remain radical in upholding the centrality of Jesus and His bride, the church, along with the proclamation of the gospel and biblical truth. Amid the incredible intervention of God in our recent election and deliverance from the corruption and insidious policies of leftist progressives, God mercifully answered our prayers and engagement, granting us a reprieve. "Christians should not be involved in politics"? We'll be courageous in addressing corruption, illegal immigration, fraudulent spending, homosexuality, trans insanity, abortion and indoctrination of our children." - Charisma News
The core of the idolatry of the NAR is the false notion that God orchestrated the 2024 election. In order to try and get people to not look at Mr. Trump's rape conviction, 34 other felonies, six bankruptcies and the whole porn star thing, they have been working overtime to white wash him with as much Christianese as possible. Thus, God intervened, Trump is God's choice for a time such as this, etc. Except it is of course nonsense. The enemy is not "leftist progressives." The enemy is Satan and he is already in the house through the likes of Lance Wallnau and Charlie Kirk. God did not tell us to address illegal immigration but He did say to welcome the stranger. He did not say to fight these carnal fights and pretend that they are a Christian imperative. Only the gospel is.
"2. Demonstrate real diversity by equipping and releasing God's gifted people for ministry, not maintenance. Pastors must prepare people (see Eph. 4:11-16) to be participators, not pew sitters attending "In-N-Out Burger" services. are overfed and underchallenged. Christians must find their place on the wall as in Nehemiah 4:15. Nehemiah rebuilt Jerusalem's 4.5 miles of broken-down walls, which lay in ruins for 150 years but were restored in 52 days by teamwork, not one-man ministry. Our own roundtable reflected the riches of a multigifted mosaic. Check out real diversity versus bogus Diversity, Equity and Inclusion wokeism: Rick Joyner, prophetic ministry; Janet Porter, pro-life pioneer; Wellington Boone, Black bishop; Gen. Jerry Boykin, retired special forces; Ricky Skaggs, Grammy-winning musician; Brad Cummins, Founders Bible innovator; Bobby Connor, healing and deliverance; Dr. Nicholas Papanicolaou, economist; Lance Wallnau, catalytic leader; Mark Nuttle, political strategist; Bob Weiner, evangelist; Rick Eldridge, movie producer; Nigel Bigpond, Native American leader; me, cultural commentator. Also (in absentia) Cindy Jacobs, prayer and Steve Strang, publisher." - Charisma News
Furthering the racist overtones, the article now takes a swipe at with the term, "real" diversity. What is their proof? Well, it is this "multigifted mosaic" that included the likes of false prophet Rick Joyner, dominionist heretic Lance Wallnau, false prophet Cindy Jacobs and the CEO of Charisma, Steven Strang, among others. Joyner has platformed multiple sexual predators throughout the years, including Paul Cain, Bob Jones, and more recently Todd Bentley and Chris Reed. Strang declared that Mike Bickle should be restored AFTER it was revealed two of his victims were minors. So, yes, that sure was a multi gifted bunch of liars and thieves. It should give everyone pause that these are the people they brag about attending.