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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/6/24

NAR Charlatan Lance Wallnau Trying to Tempt More Christians to Break the Law

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Somewhere today, Tina Peters sits in her new home. That home is a prison cell, where the 69-year-old self-described "child of God" will spend the next nine years of her life. She is unrepentant of her crimes because she was so easily deceived by charlatan political operatives disguised as Christians. When asked if she would end up in jail, she said she would be relaxing on a beach somewhere. These are the delusions sold to the church today through the NAR. Peters was a county clerk for elections in Colorado and she broke the law - full stop. Her opinion, fed to her by idiots like Mike Lindell, is irrelevant. Her hero, Donald Trump may be above the law but Tina Peters was not. As she was being excoriated by the judge, she said the cringeworthy nonsense that "God does not like people messing with His kids." Except she was never one of His kids. If she was, she would not have been trying so hard to break the law. I feel bad for Ms. Peters because what passes for church in this country has been so polluted by the NAR dominionists that people like Peters are easy prey for scoundrels and evil men, such as Lance Wallnau. For those who may not know, Wallnau is a rabid dominionist responsible for the heretical seven mountains mandate teaching that believes Christians have to conquer seven cultural mountains in order to facilitate the second coming of Jesus Christ. He is a political operative disguised as a Christian. He is touring the country right now, trying to convince Christians to break the law this coming Election Day, under the rubric of "poll watching." Here was a quote from a recent tour stop:

"This isn't a political rally, it's much different than a revival meeting, it's kind of a new type of thing. It's where the people of God, the citizens of heaven, bring heaven to earth." - Lance Wallnau

Except it is obviously a political rally. Lance Wallnau is doing what he does best here and that is lie. The idea of bringing heaven to earth is absolute heresy, designed by Bethel Church and Bill Johnson. Nowhere does the bible suggest such nonsense. We are citizens of heaven only. God does not allow dual citizenship. Wallnau is doing the bidding of his evil political masters. He still refers to the insurrection of January 6th as "election fraud intervention." What many do not realize is Wallnau was supposed to be a speaker on January 6th at a "prayer rally" but he quickly retreated to his hotel to live stream after he saw that the riots had started. How brave. It is indicative however of what you can expect if you allow yourself to be manipulated by unscrupulous fake Christians. There are hundreds of people who have been convicted for January 6th, many of which went to jail. All of which have had their lives permanently altered, while the men who put them up to it walked away, or in Wallnau's case, ran away. That is the scam they are perpetrating against churched people as we speak. It is easy for Lance Wallnau to tour the country and rile up Christians with garbage lies about stolen elections but when you are standing before the judge who is about to sentence you, Lance will be safely ensconced in a hotel room somewhere live streaming. Not about your case and how you have to spend the next nine years in jail but rather about this ongoing con he is pulling off.

Tina Peters will rot away in prison until she is 78 years old because she listened to snake oil salesmen like Lance Wallnau. There was ZERO fraud in the 2020 election. There were sixty lawsuits that proved that. Even if you refuse to listen to reason, what bible do you read? The one I read says God raises up all leaders. God does not need your help beloved - for anything. He does not need your help to ferret out fake voter fraud. We think far too much about ourselves. He will accomplish His goals regardless of who is in power. He already knows who will win the upcoming election and it does not make Him the least bit concerned. Do not fall for these wolves. Do you know who will not be volunteering as an election worker or a poll watcher this year? Lance Wallnau. That is because he knows better than to actively stick his thumb in the eye of authority. He also knows he does not have to break the law if he can get you fired up to do it for him. Hundreds of people had their lives ruined because they believed false teachers and politicians on January 6th. Now, Tina Peters joins them. When the cell door slams shut, I pray Tina Peters realizes that she has to spend the next nine years in jail at the age of 69 because she believed heretical lies from heretical liars. Do not become the next Tina Peters beloved. Lance Wallnau does not care one whit about you and neither does Donald Trump. They are using you and when lockdown hits, they will be nowhere to be found.

Reverend Anthony Wade - October 6, 2024

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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