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Jenny Weaver's Angels Did Not Protect her Heresy Center - Begs for More Money

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The above link is to a Facebook live update post from charlatan Jenny Weaver after Hurricane Milton passed through where she lives and has her fake ministry. Before the hurricane hit, Weaver did a Facebook live post where she mangled the bible to guilt Christians into not evacuating, as the government said they should, and instead come to her "Core Revival Center" because they should have "faith over fear." So, she purposefully placed people's lives in danger. She claimed God said to her that the gates of hell will not prevail, but that verse has nothing to do with being an idiot. Weaver also joined in the stupid fake Christian brigade, insinuating that there was something sinister about the storm, as if man somehow manipulated the weather. Here was one of the quotes from her pre-hurricane foolishness.

"I'm not living in fear. I'm trusting the God almighty. That He is going to send His angels to take charge over me and my family and around my tent, which is my home. That is in Psalm 91. I declare the blood of Jesus over my life, my family's life, my home and all my family and friends and all that concern me."

So, how did that work out for you Jenny? Well, I guess God's angels were busy because the Core Center was apparently damaged throughout the building by the hurricane. Perhaps because God did not have David write Psalm 91, so grifters like Weaver could use it to convince people to thumb their nose at the power of God. So, is this new video a mea culpa? Is Jenny now repenting for her wanton wickedness? Nope. She is asking for money. The video is entirely designed for her to ask people to donate to rebuild her core center that she said God's angels would protect. This is beyond insulting because Jenny Weaver already fleeces her flock for over three million dollars per year with the recurring billing scam, she has going to be a member of her "core." She also fleeces them for thousands more per class in her newest grift, her own school of the stupidnatural. She actually had the nerve to say that she doesn't ask for much! Are you kidding me! She asks for $20 per month, recurring, just to be part of her inner circle. Give me a break.

After ripping off everyone, she has to gall to pretend to be crying over the damage to the center and then ask for more money! The sad thing is, people will give it to her.

Towards the end of the video, she tries to rebuke those that spoke out against her insanity. She said people are happy and that this is God's judgment. I do not know that but God don't like stupid and endangering people by abusing His word. Here was her quote from this video:

"There are some real wicked people. There are people speaking against us. Y'all, you need to run. These people need to be straight up rebuked. Like it's sick, it's wicked. I will go as far as to say that a lot of them are pretending they're Christians but they are witches. I had people praying against us. We got children and mothers we had to move up to the second floor. We have bought food for people." - Jenny Weaver

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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