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Jenny Weaver Irresponsibly Implores People to Ignore Hurricane Milton

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One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless. - Proverbs 14:16 (ESV)

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Jenny Weaver is a huckster charlatan of the highest order. She has devised an insidious scam to fleece the flock of God. She calls it the "core." For a small recurring fee of twenty bucks per month, you get all access to Jenny's false teachings but with the amount of people in the core exceeding 13K, she is robbing over $260,000 per month, which adds up to over three million dollars per year. She also started her own fake school recently, charging additional thousands of dollars on top of the core nonsense. This is all bad enough beloved but now Jenny is wading into uncharted waters of potentially killing people. You see Jenny is from the Tampa area and they are staring down the barrel of Hurricane Milton, a top tier category five hurricane with top winds at 180 miles per hour. Instead of being wise, she is as foolish as the key verses expresses. She is reckless and careless but she is such with the lives of her followers. Much of Tampa is under orders to evacuate but Weaver is opening her "Core Revival Center" for evacuees. That is bad enough but the above live video she posted on Facebook is brutally unbiblical and tries to coerce people into risking their lives.

The first observation is Weaver apparently fancies herself an apostle now, which is laughably absurd. To try and sound biblical, she quotes Acts 2, when it says that the people devoted themselves to the apostle's teachings. Did you get that? That verse clearly means they listened to the apostles teaching about Jesus, not their own private Facebook videos urging them to pay no mind to a violent hurricane. So, I am not sure what cereal box she got her apostleship from but Weaver is a fool, not an apostle. The next thing that stands out is she opens up pretending that God spoke to her and for some reason quoted Matthew 16:18, where Jesus says that upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail. The inference is that because Jesus said this, we can stand in the middle of a category five hurricane because we are part of the church? Except that is an assault against scripture. Weaver is such a rank heretic that she mangles even the most profound scriptures such as Matthew 16:18 and tries to leverage it for her horrifically bad teaching. Not content with butchering this verse, she then teaches that Psalm 91 means that we can stare down a hurricane. Sure, she does not outright say that but this entire message is about not being "afraid" regarding the storm. Sometimes beloved, it is wise to respect the awesome power of God's creation. I am reminded of the joke that has a pastor in a church off the coast of the Carolinas with a hurricane approaching. The local sheriff comes in a truck and begs him to evacuate with him. The preacher says, my God will protect me. A half hour later when the water had flooded the main floor of the church the sheriff comes in a boat and begs the preacher to leave but the only response is - my God will protect me. An hour after that the preacher is on the roof to avoid the flood waters and the sheriff comes in a helicopter but the preacher says my God will protect me. The preacher drowns of course and when he stands before Jesus he says, "I don't understand Lord, why didn't you protect me." God replies, "Are you kidding me? I sent a truck, a boat and a helicopter." Beloved, we are not called upon to be idiots like Jenny Weaver.

Jenny next claims that there is a demon named fear. Let us be perfectly clear. Fear is a terrible taskmaster but being concerned about a storm with 180 mile an hour winds is not fear - it's prudence. What this does is wreck people's faith. If someone follows Jenny, they are very likely to not listen to the authorities and stick around Tampa. Maybe they will be perfectly safe in her Core Center but that misses the point. In this video, she says that the fear is similar to 2020 and COVID because she is an idiot about the worldwide pandemic as well. People like this who thumbed their nose at science and reason in favor of misunderstanding scriptures like Psalm 91 are dead because of it. Weaver better hope that her reckless actions do not lead to anyone else losing their life. We will be held to account for every careless word, let alone half hour-long videos urging people to be stupid. She claims fear is now knocking on the doors of believers saying, let me in. How disgusting to prey upon people with anxiety during a very anxious time. She turns to her window and says that she can see the waves, the wind and the rain picking up but her hope is in God. Please. Acting wisely is not an affront to God. She then chastises her viewers by saying they need to "mature in your thinking" because this is a "kingdom thing." Yes, a kingdom of darkness thing Jenny.

Throughout the video she is claiming to want to start a "faith network" of believers who will stand firm and know that God will protect them. She tells this ridiculous story about someone in North Carolina claiming that all of the surrounding houses were destroyed but hers did not have a single drop of water and she called this a "praise report!" To be honest, I doubt the anecdotal story since we know Jenny is a liar but even if so, why are we rejoicing that everyone else had their lives destroyed? How obscene! She then goes full conspiracy nutcase by declaring that these storms are more sinister than just natural occurrences. Beloved, she is so wicked it boggles the mind. Throughout the video, Weaver lapses in and out of baby babble fake tongues to try and prop up her lack of spiritual seriousness. As I finished her video, I noticed that she had a follower do a five-minute video, which is what she had been asking for with this fake faith network. It was slightly encouraging that she said she was using wisdom but she has been so falsely taught by Jenny that she said the following:

"I'm not living in fear. I'm trusting the God almighty. That He is going to send His angels to take charge over me and my family and around my tent, which is my home. That is in Psalm 91. I declare the blood of Jesus over my life, my family's life, my home and all my family and friends and all that concern me."

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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...shall not tempt the Lord thy God. 'Nuff said.

Submitted on Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024 at 2:19:15 PM

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She has no fear of the Lord because she does not know Him...

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