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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/11/24

Disgraced Mark Driscoll Breaks the Law, Truth and the Word to Endorse Trump

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There is still a prohibition for pastors to endorse political candidates. It is a good law because theoretically then pastors might actually do what they are called to do - preach the gospel. Not the NAR apostate church however as their only focus is in electing Donald Trump president. Now this law is simply never enforced anymore and pastors have become more brazen because of it. Where they used to dance around the subject by creating lame voter guides, they now come flat out and say who to vote for. Disgraced pastor Mark Driscoll is one of them. It is always important whenever discussing Driscoll to note that he was disqualified from the pastoral office years ago when he snuck away in the middle of the night from his old church is Seattle, just as his board was about to discipline him. Driscoll has always embraced the bad boy pastor role, preached graphically about sex and the tales of his abuse towards members and staff were things of legend. So bad, that the Acts 29 Network, that he founded, kicked him out. He also stole $200,000 from tithes to pay a marketing firm to cheat the New York Times Best Seller list, so he could make more money off a book had just written. Mark Driscoll is a fugitive from church justice but that did not stop him from becoming a pastor again in Arizona and now he is trying to get back into mainstream, choosing politics as his vehicle. The above link is to a YouTube video he just put out where is make specious and unbiblical arguments for why Christians should only vote for his guy, Donald Trump. So, let us reason once more beloved.

"For those of you who's pastor or Christian leader is telling you abstain from the vote because there is no one the represents purely your convictions I would say that is ridiculous. Because if God's people don't vote, it's not going to get better and if God's people aren't involved that means the only people making the decisions do not have the spirit of God, they're not loyal to Jesus Christ. As well, for some Christians who are saying I don't like the personality of Donald Trump or perhaps JD Vance, what we are looking for is policy and leadership. If you are looking for a personality, that is good to choose for your friend in chief, not your commander in chief." - Disgraced Mark Driscoll

First of all, any preacher advising any choice in any election, abstaining or otherwise, is dirtying the holy desk that should be reserved for the gospel. There are no political saviors. There is only one Savior and He does not care one whit about our carnal elections. How do we know that? Because when Jesus walked the earth, His people were being completely oppressed by the Roman government and do you know what He did about it? Absolutely nothing because His kingdom is not of this world. If you read the bible, which Driscoll apparently does not, the end times does not promise that things are going to get better by electing one immoral person or the other. It promises a great apostasy, which is well underway with Mark Driscoll leading the charge. Having the spirit of God does not make you a better voter because we are still ultimately voting for people promising things they rarely deliver and quite often are lying about who they are and what they actually will do. For example, for years people in Indian voted for Dennis Hastert because he was a staunch Christian conservative and years later, we discovered he was also molesting little boys. There are no politicians loyal to Jesus Christ. Heck most Christians barely are.

Then Driscoll makes the absolutely absurd argument that who a candidate actually is, is somehow irrelevant to Christians. So, according to this argument, we should not care if we are electing Satan himself, as long as Lucifer promises to give us the judges we want or some legislation we desire. This Faustian bargain is ridiculously unbiblical and unchristian. So, let us say that we have a man running who is a Mormon, which we know is a Satanic cult but he is Republican? Driscoll would demand that we vote for the Satanic cult member, just as he did in 2012 for Mitt Romney, as did the entire NAR apostate church. Where is the line to far to cross? What if the candidate was a convicted rapist? What if he has had three marriages and was unfaithful to all three wives? What if when his son was a newborn, he was having an affair on his third wife with a porn star? What if he routinely cheats people out of money and has declared bankruptcy six times? None of that would matter to us as Christians? What is he was convicted of 34 other felonies and has three major court cases pending against him? What if he bragged about grabbing women by their genitals? God would say ignore all of it for what policies this clearly amoral person is promising? That is biblically insane! This is the person Driscoll holds up as a paragon of leadership? Are you kidding me? It is also not just about the personality of Donald Trump. It is about his character. It is about who he is. Would you want to be friends with someone like that? Would you do business with him? If that was his resume, would you hire him? The answer to all of those would be a resounding no but somehow you think that the Christian imperative would be to vote for him? Driscoll, unfortunately, continues.

"When you are voting for someone, you are taking the best of two options. Where Christians find ourselves today - you have a couple of options. You can go full blown woke, apostate, pro-death and vote for Kamala Harris, I would strongly encourage you not to. Number two, you can do like the anabaptists and you can abstain from politics, the election and the process of voting. And then you are not involved and God's people are vacating an opportunity to represent Jesus Christ and His sovereign Lordship over all spheres of society. Number three, you can cast some kind of conscience vote and you can vote for someone who is never going to win but, in your mind, it was doing the right thing. Or you can plug your nose, head into the ballot booth and you can vote taking the best of two options." - Thief Mark Driscoll

It is very clever what Driscoll is trying to do here by claiming we are "taking the best of two options." Allow me to translate what he is really trying to say - the lesser of two evils. He does not want to say this of course because then he opens himself up to correct criticism about advocating for evil, not matter how lesser he has deemed it to be. Clever but transparent. The second thing here is the stupid notion that voting Kamala is apostate but somehow voting Trump must be acceptable? This coming from an apostate preacher who stole $200,000 in money from his last flock to personally enrich himself? This is who is lecturing us on what is apostate? The notion that Christians deciding to vote for neither evil is somehow akin to anabaptists is a vacuously dumb argument. Considering people like Driscoll, including Greg Locke, Mario Murillo and Jack Hibbs, have all said that voting Democratic will consign you to hell, it seems like not voting then might be the route that makes the most sense! Nowhere in the bible does it even vaguely infer that voting is how we are to represent Jesus Christ and His Lordship over all spheres of society. That is straight up seven mountains NAR gibberish. Besides, realize that Driscoll is arguing that Donald Trump is somehow going to represent Jersus Christ over all spheres of society! The man who said he does not need forgiveness and could not even answer which Testament he liked best? Please. As for the conscience vote, many write in the name of Jesus but that is mocked here by Driscoll because the issue for him is not truly about representing Christ but only about "winning." You also have to love that he apparently openly admits that a Christian would have to hold their nose in order to vote for Donald Trump but somehow this is still the Christian choice? Doesn't the fact that you have to hold your nose indicate that maybe you should not be voting for him?

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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