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Devotionals    H3'ed 7/22/24

Charisma News Starts the NAR Onslaught at the Behest of their Political Masters

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Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? - James 2:21 (ESV)

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The onslaught has begun. Charisma news is run by uber-dominionist Steven Strang. Mr. Strang is a political operative disguised as a Christian and he wields his media platform at Charisma to do all of the bidding of his political masters in the Republican Party. I wrote a few weeks ago that Charisma would soon be starting this deluge of articles designed to appear Chrisian but are only focused on co-opting your vote for everything Republican. To that end, more than half of the offerings on the site are now laser focused on the upcoming election and even though sometimes they disguise what they are influencing you to do, it becomes all too obvious. The above link is to an article from a failed 2020 Republican Congressional candidate from Alabama name Terri Hasdorff. The article was excessively long so I am not responding line by line. The overall point is the assertion that Christians who choose to not to vote are somehow wrong. So, let us reason once more through this piece and I will start somewhere in the middle.

In that middle she tells of attending a fundraiser in 2019 where she sat next to a very rich Christian who was bemoaning the state of the country and the leaders we have. Fast forward six months and a congressional seat opened up and voila! The Lord spoke to her, after the requisite fasting and prayer of course, to run for this open seat. Did you get that? God told her to run for the seat. Hold that thought. She realized early on that she needed enormous amounts of money to run for any office in this country. This is a fact because of the very party she supports but she never brings that up. Instead, she says this:

"Serious questions existed about the integrity of my main opponents, and thousands of dollars were being poured into their races. The consultants believed that I had a good shot at winning if I could raise enough money to let people know they had a solid, honest alternative who would stand up for faith and family values. I had spent years working on Capitol Hill as a legislative staffer, and I knew how to get things done in Washington. My great desire was to put my knowledge and experience to work to help the people I would represent. But if the voters didn't even know who I was, none of that would matter." - Terri Hasdorff

Wait a minute. I thought God told you to run. Doesn't it matter more that the creator of the entire universe is the one backing you? What is also telling here is that she now is disparaging her main opponents and keep in mind this was the Republican Primary election. That means I can only assume she then voted in the general election for the eventual Republican candidate that she knows was corrupt and had integrity issues. That in a nutshell is dominionist theology. Integrity no longer matters in a purely carnal and transactional political world. It gets worse. She then turns to the rich Christian she had spoken with six months earlier for cash. Unfortunately for Hasdorff, the man said that he only gives to Christian non-profits. Terri reflects on that:

I am disappointed to say that over and over, people told me, "I'm sorry; we just don't get involved in politics." This came from strong Christians"friends, colleagues and people from church or Bible study groups. Many of them said things like, "Politics is just so nasty," "Everyone is so corrupt" and "You really can't change the system." And on the criticisms went. When I looked back at the end of my race, only a few solid, committed people had stepped up and said yes. Their friendship and support meant everything to me and still does. It mattered to them because they got it. In their minds, they were investing in the kingdom and in me. That was the paradigm shift. - Terri Hasdorrf

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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